Prospective students
Student orientation, scholarships, and much more! Find out all about our services and benefits- Our Services
- Services for prospective students
I Dipartimenti attivano iniziative di orientamento mirate per i diversi Corsi di Studio o per Aree Disciplinari
Scopri i corsiE dopo il diploma? Ancora indeciso su quale corso di laurea frequentare? I tutor dell'Ufficio Orientamento sono a tua disposizione allo sportello pomeridiano, sia in presenza che online!
Prenota un appuntamentoRiprendono per il periodo primaverile le visite alle strutture didattiche del Polo di Borgo Roma, accompagnati dagli studenti tutor.
Date e modulo di iscrizione quiStudy in Verona
University and the world of work
Offices open to the publicFAQ
For prospective studentsServices
Orientamento e Tutorato
Ufficio Orientamento
+39 045.8028000
Benefici, borse e agevolazioni
Ufficio Diritto allo Studio
+39 045.8028711
Iscrizioni e immatricolazioni
Ufficio Immatricolazioni
+39 045.8028000
Supporto a studenti con disabilità e DSA
Ufficio Inclusione
+39 045.8028786
- Modulo riconoscimento crediti da carriera universitaria pregressa
Modulo per il riconoscimento dei crediti da una carriera universitaria pregressa
- If you’re not yet enrolled please contact the University Scholarships and Grants Office of the University of Verona, Via Via San Francesco, 22. Phone: +39 045 8028001; FOR ENROLLED STUDENTS ONLY: If you’re already enrolled at the University of Verona please use the online ‘Service Desk’, which is the only way to obtain information on scholarships and grants. To use the service go to and log in using your username and password.
- You might be eligible to apply for the following benefits:
- university scholarships and grants;
student fees reduction based on the following: financial situation of the applicant’s family unit (determined based on the ISEE for University statement); type of degree programme; number of CFU gained; student status (normal duration, or enrolled beyond the normal duration of the degree programme); - benefits based on merit.
- The ISEE for University statement – a document that you must submit in order to apply for university benefits – is specifically mentioned in Art. 8 of Prime Ministerial Decree no. 159 of 5/12/13. For the purpose of determining the student’s ISEE for University statement, if the student does not live with their parents, the student is still considered a member of their parents’ family unit – in this case income and assets of all household members will be taken into account - unless both of the following conditions are true: a) the student has been living away from their parents’ home, in accommodation not owned by a family member,for at least two years before applying to enrol for the first time in their degree programme; and b) the student has had an employee or tax-declared income of at least €6,500 per year, declared under a family unit of one person, for at least the past two years.
- To request an ISEE for University statement, students must complete a Substitutive Declaration (DSU) – which contains information about their family unit and each family member’s income and assets – directly at the “online services” section of the INPS website ( or with the help of a Tax Assistance Centre (CAF) or qualified professional. Students will be provided with the ISEE for University statement by the CAF or by the INPS. Students who do NOT reside in Italy and students residing in Italy who are NOT independent and whose family unit resides abroad should request an ISEE Equivalent statement (“Indicatore Parificato Universitario”or “ISEE PARIFICATO”). To obtain the ISEE Equivalent statement, students need to make an appointment at one of the following Tax Assistance Centres (CAF): ACLI, CGIL, CISL, UIL.
- No. However, if you intend to apply for student fees reduction or scholarship, you will need to submit a Benefits Application Form (DUB) using the ESSE3 online services. (benefits) What if two or more students belong to the same family unit?
- If two (or more) students belong to the same family unit, to obtain a student fees reduction, the ISEE statement must include the following text: “si applica alle PRESTAZIONI AGEVOLATE PER IL DIRITTO ALLO STUDIO UNIVERSITARIO” [“for the purpose of university bursaries”] followed by the students’ respective tax codes (codici fiscali).
- ESU – with headquarters in Verona, via dell’Artigliere, n. 9 - 37129 – is a regional agency that deals with canteen and accommodation services for students. To apply for such services you’ll need to submit a specific application
- University scholarships and grants (‘borsa per il diritto allo studio universitario’) are benefits for students in money and services managed by the University on behalf of the Veneto Region. Students can apply for these benefits by taking part in a selection process whose terms are set out in a specific Call for applications: this is issued in July every year and published on the University’s website:
- Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students can apply for scholarships from their first year of enrolment (i.e. the first time the student has access to the university system) until the first year ‘fuori corso’, i.e. the first year beyond the normal programme duration. Specifically, pursuant to Prime Ministerial Decree of 9 April 2001, students who have previously withdrawn from studies and then enrolled in another degree programme are considered as being enrolled for the first time. The years they accumulated in their previous enrolment are not counted, as long as they did not receive any scholarship during that time. Any CFU gained during the previous enrolment will not be counted towards merit points for scholarship applications for the student’s current degree programme.
- You are eligible for a scholarship if you meet both merit requirements (i.e. if you have gained a specific number of CFU depending on your year of study) and financial requirements (based on you ISEE for University statement) as set out in the relevant Call for applications. PLEASE READ THE CALL CAREFULLY AND TAKE NOTE OF THE DEADLINES. Applications that are incomplete, received after the deadline or sent in a way not specified above will NOT be accepted
- - Read carefully the Call for applications and CHECK THE DEADLINES: the document is available at the following link:
- - request an ISEE for University statement (attestazione ISEE per prestazioni agevolate per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario);
- - submit a scholarship application exclusively by completing the Benefits Application Form (DUB) online, available from the student’s personal account in ESSE3 – SEGRETERIA (
- - check the provisional ranking list: should you spot any mistakes please fill out the relevant form as set out in the Call.
- Those intending to enrol in a limited entry degree programme or a degree programme with an admission exam/test must submit their application exclusively by completing the Benefits Application Form (DUB) online, available from the student’s personal account in ESSE3 – SEGRETERIA ( using your username and password. Please note that any scholarships or grants will be awarded only once the successful applicant has fully enrolled in the degree programme. For further information on the methods for submitting the Benefits Application Form (DUB) online please refer to the previous section.
Please read the Call for applications, where the three categories are explained in more detail. In broad terms, the status is determined according to the distance between the student’s place and the place where they attend their university courses, based on the requirements included in the Call. According to the Municipality (Comune) in which the lectures of their degree programme are held (Verona/Bolzano/Ala/Trento/Legnago, etc.), students should check their own student status based on the Municipality in which they reside (this should be the one indicated in the student’s personal account in ESSE3 – SEGRETERIA). Students may be considered as ‘non-local’ if they reside in a place not included in the ‘local’ or ‘commuter’ categories, and only if they pay for their own accommodation. In this case, in addition to submitting their DUB, they will also have to send to their rental contract (and all related documents), provided that these meet the requirements set out in the Call for Applications.
With regard to non-EU students, to be considered as ‘non-local’ they must meet all the requirements for ‘non-local’ students set out in the Call for applications.
Students participating in international mobility programmes shall keep their original scholarship (non-local, commuter or local scholarship), without being able to change their student status or increase the amount of the original scholarship. Students who attend a study abroad programme organised through the University in the same academic year will be considered ‘non-local’ as long as they live in paid accommodation while abroad for a duration which, together with that in Italy, adds up to at least 10 months. Students will have to submit a copy of the rental contract in either Italian or English.
When considering if the student meets the merit requirements, CFU from exams taken and recorded by the above terms – even if not yet displayed in the online student’s academic record (‘libretto’) – will be counted. CFU from exams taken but recorded after the above terms will not be taken into account. CFU from modules consisting of several parts will not be counted if the last part/exam of the module has been taken after the terms set out in the Call for applications. Only CFU FROM EXAMS TAKEN AND RECORDED BY 10 AUGUST OF THE CURRENT YEAR will be counted, even if not yet displayed in the student’s academic record (‘libretto’).
CFU will NOT be counted in the following cases: if the relevant exam was recorded after 10 August of the current year; if CFU were gained by taking exams from elective modules or additional activities, or by taking modules or activities earlier than expected for the student’s study plan, or if the CFU were gained in a previous degree programme from which the student has withdrawn.
University scholarships and grants are awarded through annual selection processes, in which students can participate by completing the Benefits Application Form (DUB) online. Scholarships will be awarded based on the final ranking list of beneficiaries and funding availability. By the term ‘beneficiaries’ we mean the successful applicants who will be awarded a scholarship (these are normally highlighted in yellow in the online ranking list). Conversely, by the term ‘eligible’ we mean the students who, although meeting the requirements for the scholarship, will be paid only if additional funding will be available: these will not be highlighted in yellow.
Yes. ‘Eligible’ students who are enrolled within the normal duration of their degree programme (‘in corso’), even if they are not beneficiaries of a scholarship due to a lack of funding, are entitled to total exemption from regional tax and 100% tuition fees.
‘Eligible’ students who are one year beyond the normal programme duration (‘fuori corso’), even if they are not beneficiaries of a scholarship due to a lack of funding, are entitled to total exemption from regional tax and 50% tuition fees.
To be able to receive scholarship or grant payments, students must enter the IBAN details of a current bank account for which they are the holder or co-holder, online in ESSE3 – SEGRETERIA ( within the deadline indicated in the competition notice. Students should log in to their account, click on the link “Home - Anagrafica”, select the section “Reimbursement details” > “Change reimbursement details” then follow the instructions to enter the required information.
Please note that if the IBAN details of the student’s Banca Popolare di Verona CARD are used, the card needs to have already been activated at one of the branches of the Banca Popolare di Verona. Failure to provide the aforementioned IBAN details or to activate the card means that scholarship payments cannot be administered to that student.
Moreover, students who fail to enter their IBAN details in time will receive their first instalment by the subsequent payment date, as set out in the Call. Beneficiaries who enter their IBAN details in their student’s personal account in time will receive the first payment by 31 December. Eligible students will receive the first instalment subject to University’s funding availability.
Yes, non-EU students can also apply for University scholarships and grants. With regard to funding, a maximum of 5% of the total funds will be allocated to non-EU students enrolled for the first time in a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Single cycle/Combined Bachelor+Master’s degree programme, based on the regional regulations currently in force. For further information please contact the University Scholarships and Grants Office.
(scholarships) Can postgraduate students apply for University scholarships/grants?
Yes if they are PhD students. PhD students can apply for scholarships or grants based on the financial requirements only, provided they are regularly enrolled in the PhD programme for the academic year for which they apply for the benefit.
Yes if they are PhD or Postgraduate Specialisation for Legal Professions students. PhD or Postgraduate Specialisation for Legal Professions students can apply for scholarships or grants based on the financial requirements only, provided they are regularly enrolled in the PhD programme for the academic year for which they apply for the benefit.
For ‘Beneficiaries’ the canteen service will be available starting from January, while ‘eligible’ students will be able to benefit from the service once they have received the first instalment of the scholarship. The duration of the service is one year from when it is made available for the first time. Please remember to activate the Banca Popolare di Verona CARD on
University scholarships are not subject to taxation, and therefore are not to be included in your tax returns (modello 730/Unico). However, regional scholarships must be declared when determining your ISEE. For this purpose you should download the Certificazione Unica (CU), a document which demonstrates that a scholarship/grant was paid to you by the University of Verona in a given calendar year. To do so, go to: (click on: UGOV > Risorse Umane/Consultazione documenti (Human Resources/Documents) > Documenti personali (Personal documents), then enter your GIA personal username and password to log in). The system automatically displays the current year: if you wish to change it just click on the year and select FILTRA (Filter your search). Should you encounter any problems in downloading the CU please write to:
Yes, although there are no specific scholarships for people with disabilities (i.e. you will need to submit a scholarship application under the general Call for applications). Students with a disability rating equal to or greater than 66% shall benefit from the following advantages: they shall receive extended scholarships; first-year students enrolled for the first time in a Bachelor’s/Master’s degree or Single cycle/Combined Bachelor+Master’s degree programme will receive the second instalment of their scholarship, regardless of whether or not they have gained a minimum number of CFU credits by 10 August of the year which follows their enrolment; the adoption of special merit requirements for the award of a scholarship, depending on each student’s disability rating (for students enrolled in any year except their first year); the awarding of bonus points that may enable the applicant to achieve the requirements for the award of a scholarship, depending on his/her disability rating. Further information is available online on the Scholarships and Grants webpage.
For information on how to apply for a scholarship please contact the Inclusion and Accessibility Unit.
Yes. The University normally performs checks and verifications on the truthfulness of students’ self-declarations when they apply for scholarships/grants. Through a memorandum of understanding, the University also sends students’ self-declarations of financial position to be further investigated by the Provincial Command of the Italian Finance Police (Guardia di Finanza) in Verona. These procedures are carried out in accordance with the Regulations for implementing checks on applications for university bursaries.
Following appropriate administrative and financial checks, if a declaration that was submitted is found to contain untruthful information, any benefits awarded will be revoked and sanctions will be applied. National laws on this matter are applicable, especially Art.s 75 and 76 of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and Legislative Decree no. 68/2012, which states: “Whoever [...] submits false statements [...] is subject to administrative penalties consisting of the payment of three times the amount made, or the value of services accessed incorrectly, and loses the right to receive other funds for duration of their course of studies, subject in all cases to the application of the penalties provided for in Art. 38(3) of Decree Law no. 78 of 31/05/2010, converted with amendments by Law n.122 of 30/07/2010, as well as the criminal laws for the acts that constituted the offence.”
The ‘Benefits Application Form’ or DUB (‘Domanda Unica Benefici’ in Italian) is a declaration form which students complete and sign in order to apply for student benefits. Students must complete the DUB online by logging into their personal account in ESSE3 – SEGRETERIA ( Only one DUB should be completed, also when applying for several benefits (scholarships, student fees reduction, part-time student collaborations). Once the DUB has been confirmed by the student, he/she cannot change it anymore: students are therefore advised to be careful when completing the form, and follow the instructions set out in the Call for applications.
In order to apply for the benefits for students provided by the University of Verona, students must submit their ‘Benefits Application Form’ or DUB by the terms set out in the Calls for applications, which are normally published in July each year on the University’s website at:
Further information - such as deadlines for university instalments of fees and contributions (if due), deadlines and methods for receiving payments and reimbursement of scholarships - are available in the relevant regulations, Calls for applications or public notices, posters, notices on information boards, or the Intranet. You can also access further information through the official ‘UNIVR’ app, which can be downloaded from Google Play, Apple Store and Windows Store. Thanks to this app, you’ll have all University’s services at your fingertips, 24/7.
Carte dei servizi e standard di qualità
- Carta dei servizi delle biblioteche
Le Biblioteche agiscono per un costante perfezionamento dei servizi offerti, analizzando i risultati raggiunti e prendendo in considerazione le richieste e le segnalazioni dell’utenza.
Per questo motivo la Carta dei servizi è in costante aggiornamento.
- Guide to Services Inclusione and Accessibility
- Carta dei servizi relativi al Diritto allo Studio
- Carta dei servizi Job Placement
- Carta dei Servizi - Dottorati
- Carta dei Servizi Master, corsi di perfezionamento e corsi di aggiornamento professionale e corsi di formazione continua
La Carta dei Servizi descrive i valori, le attività, i fattori di qualità e gli standard del Servizio Master, corsi di perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale e corsi di formazione continua
- Carta dei Servizi - Mobilità internazionale
- Carta dei servizi Orientamento allo studio
Rappresenta l’impegno che l’Università di Verona prende con le studentesse e gli studenti nella delicata fase di scelta del percorso di studio.
Descrive i valori, le attività, i fattori di qualità e gli standard del Servizio Orientamento allo studio
- Carta dei servizi Formazione insegnanti
La Carta dei Servizi descrive i valori, le attività, i fattori di qualità e gli standard del Servizio Formazione insegnanti
- Carta dei Servizi Finanziamenti per la ricerca
Il documento rappresenta l'impegno che l'Università di Verona assume con i Professori, Ricercatori, Assegnisti, Dottorandi
dell’Ateneo e con i Ricercatori esterni interessati a svolgere la propria ricerca presso l’Università di Verona tramite
l’acquisizione di finanziamenti internazionali e nazionali. Esso descrive i valori, le attività, i fattori di qualità, e gli standard del servizio offerto.
- Carta dei Servizi - Tirocini Curriculari
- Carta dei servizi relativi ai Sistemi Informativi e alle Tecnologie
- Carta dei servizi - Centro Piattaforme Tecnologiche
- Carta dei servizi Laboratorio Cartografico
- Carta dei servizi laboratorio di Archeologia
- Carta dei servizi laboratorio Laniac
- Carta dei servizi Laboratorio LaTeC
ESU Verona
Regional Agency for the Right to Higher EducationESU is a Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Education.
By "Right to Higher Education" we mean the array of measures and regulations that govern all activities aimed at supporting students during their time at the University.
Please browse the ESU Verona website to find out more about student accommodations and residences, study rooms, canteens, scholarships, and much more.
Services for Public
- Test IELTS presso il CLA
- Servizi e Corsi in convenzione
- Servizi a tariffario per utenti esterni (o interni)
Informazioni sui Corsi per utenti esterni
- Univr Sport
- Student work scheme
- Centro Universitario Sportivo - CUS
- Studenti rifugiati (programma Unicore)
- Home-work transport
- Committee for the Guarantee of equal opportunities, workers' well-being and anti-discrimination (CUG)
Il Comitato Unico di Garanzia per le Pari Opportunità, la valorizzazione del benessere di chi lavora e contro le discriminazioni (CUG) è un nuovo organismo introdotto dall'art 21 della Legge nr. 183 del 4 novembre 2010 che sostituisce, unificando le competenze in un solo organismo, i comitati per le pari opportunità e i comitati paritetici sul fenomeno del mobbing costituiti in applicazione della contrattazione collettiva, dei quali assume tutte le funzioni previste dalla legge, dai contratti Istituito dalla Legge n.183/2010, il Comitato Unico di Garanzia per le pari opportunità, la valorizzazione del benessere di chi lavora e contro le discriminazioni nel lavoro (CUG) sostituisce ed integra le funzioni del Comitato pari opportunità e del Comitato paritetico contro il fenomeno del Mobbing
- Health and Safety Protection
Il miglioramento delle condizioni di lavoro, la tutela della salute e sicurezza e la promozione della cultura della prevenzione rappresentano obiettivi fondamentali dell’Università di Verona.
- Social media
Elenco delle pagine ufficiali dell'università di Verona sui principali Social media
- University Language Centre
Laboratori ed esercitazioni per l’apprendimento delle lingue straniere
- Italian language courses L2
What is the project TANDEM@CLA about?
- Riconoscimento delle certificazioni linguistiche esterne
Modalità per il riconoscimento delle certificazioni linguistiche esterne.
- Nuova piattaforma di gestione esercitazioni e prove del CLA
- Ricevimenti degli esperti linguistici CEL
- Certificazioni linguistiche per studenti con DSA
- Incoming double degree student guide
- Verifica dei saperi minimi e requisiti d'accesso
- Enrolment
- Rilascio della certificazione di competenza linguistica
- Tirocinio pratico valutativo e attività pratiche e tutoriali - Odontoiatria
- I servizi dell'ESU - Azienda Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario
- Test di certificazione linguistica
- E-Learning CLA
- FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
Tutte le risposte ai dubbi e alle domande più frequenti sui servizi dell’Ateneo.
- Associazioni e gruppi studenteschi
- Gestione carriere studenti - Farmacia
- Student Orientation
- Inclusion and Accessibility: support for students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities
Support for students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities
- Student Secretary
- University Scholarships and Grants
- Internships and work orientation
- Leganto Reading Lists
- Photocopying service
- Tools for research and consultation
- Booking a place at the library
Available only at the Frinzi, Meneghetti and Santa Marta libraries
- Loans
- Interlibrary services
Il servizio recupera per i propri utenti articoli o libri non posseduti dall'Ateneo o da altre biblioteche della città; fornisce inoltre il proprio materiale a biblioteche e centri di ricerca italiani e stranieri.
- Bibliographic information and research
Il servizio fornisce informazioni e orientamento sui servizi delle biblioteche e sulla fruibilità del patrimonio bibliografico. Inoltre, offre assistenza personalizzata per esigenze informative più complesse e supporto alla ricerca bibliografica sulle risorse e banche dati disciplinari.
- User training
Il servizio progetta, organizza ed eroga corsi sui servizi bibliotecari, sul portale per la ricerca bibliografica Universe e sulle risorse online e a stampa disponibili per l'utenza.
- Reference and study rooms
Spazi aperti al pubblico per lo studio e la consultazione
- IT support
Supporto utenti, help desk e supporto applicazioni
- Wireless networks and federated access
Tutte le sedi dell’università sono coperte dalla rete Wi-Fi. Le reti universitarie, come UNIVAIR-OPEN e UNIVAIR-WPA2, sono ad accesso riservato tramite credenziali istituzionali, mentre EDUROAM e Verona Wi-Fi sono aperte a persone provenienti da altri istituti e utenti esterni.
- Consigliera di fiducia
Il/La Consigliere/a è chiamata a prevenire, gestire e aiutare a risolvere i casi di mobbing, di molestie sessuali, di discriminazione e di disagio lavorativo che hanno luogo nell’ambiente di studio, ricerca e lavoro, portati alla sua attenzione.
- “MyUnivr”, your intranet student and e-learning portal
“MyUnivr” is the new student portal - a website exclusively for registered users, and tailored to your needs - which includes complete and clear information on the services offered by the University!
- Tecnologie Innovative per la Didattica
Laboratorio di tecnologie per la didattica
- Firme elettroniche
- SPID il Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale
- Service Learning
- Piattaforma Computazionale (HPC, Cloud)
- CIE - Carta d'Identità Elettronica
- Baby University
- GIA - Gestione Identità di Ateneo
Tutte le informazioni necessarie per accedere a molti dei servizi informatici che richiedono di essere in possesso di credenziali rilasciate e gestite con precise regolamentazioni. Il sistema che gestisce tali credenziali è GIA (Gestione delle Identità di Ateneo)
- Posta elettronica studenti
Servizio di posta elettronica e collaborazione di gruppo. Accesso via intranet.
- Student surveys
- Health Protection Service
- L'Ateneo per la Sostenibilità
- Student Career Management - Sciences and Engineering
- Anticorruzione, Trasparenza e Accesso agli atti
- Assicurazione della Qualità
- Economics
- Education, Philosophy and Social Work
- Servizio Prevenzione e Protezione
- Student Career Management - Foreign Languages and Literatures
- Law
- Open Badge
- Visita Accreditamento Periodico (CEV)
- TAI/Ti Aiuto Io
- Medicine and Surgery
- Grants for cultural, sports and recreational student activities
- Literature, Arts and Communication Studies
- Opportunities abroad for students and staff
- Protezione Dati
- Making room for innovation
- Programmazione integrata di Ateneo
- Sport Sciences
- Good practice