Part-time study
- Degree programmes
- Corsi part-time
Students who feel that they can devote only part of their time to study, may study on a part-time basis, where allowed by the programme regulations.
Students who choose to study on a part-time basis can benefit from special conditions concerning the duration of their chosen degree programme and the amount of the relevant tuition fees. Specifically, they will have the opportunity to earn their degree over a period of time that is twice the normal duration of the programme, without being considered ‘fuori corso’.
Tuition fees and benefits
Part-time students are required to pay the full amount of the regional study tax due, the relevant ‘stamp duty’ (imposta di bollo), and 50% of the amount of the regular tuition fees for full-time students enrolled in the same degree programme.
‘Fuori corso’ students
Part-time students who fail to graduate within the normal duration of their degree programme (i.e. ‘fuori corso’ students) and those who obtain a number of CFU credits that is higher than the number of CFU required within the programme, will not be able to benefit from the special conditions of Part-time study. As a result, they will need to pay the full amount of tuition fees due as full-time students.
Part-time students can apply for scholarships for a number of years that is twice the normal duration of their degree programme, plus one year. This should be calculated taking into account the year of first enrolment. The amount of a scholarship for part-time students is 50% of the amount of a regular scholarship for full-time students.