Research projects, activities and opportunitiesFor us, research is a fundamental element for social and economic development, contributing to progress, wellbeing and social cohesion.
This is why the University of Verona supports quality interdisciplinary research, international collaborations and the sharing of results to benefit our society, culture and economy.
Departments and research
The University of Verona stands out for its commitment to cutting-edge scientific research, both basic and applied, across a wide range of disciplines.
Research is organized into four major areas, each consisting of departments focused on specific fields. Specifically, the University offers:
- 3 departments in Humanities
- 3 departments in Law and Economics
- 4 departments in Life and Health Sciences
- 3 departments in Natural Sciences and Engineering (with one shared with the Life Sciences area)
This structure fosters a multidisciplinary and innovative research environment, making the University of Verona a key player in scientific and academic development.
Arts and Humanities
Law and Economics
Life and Health Sciences
Natural Sciences and Engineering
Pubblicazioni recenti
Inductive learning of robot task knowledge from raw data and online expert feedback
The increasing level of autonomy of robots poses challenges of trust and social acceptance, especially in human-robot interaction scenarios. This requires an interpretable implementation of robotic cognitive capabilities, possibly based on formal methods as logics for the definition of task specifications. However, prior knowledge is often unavailable in complex realistic scenarios. In this paper, we propose an offline algorithm based on inductive logic programming from noisy examples to extract...
“Errare con la mente”: una ricerca educativa sulla percezione e gestione dell’errore alla scuola primaria
The article presents an educational research on the value of error, carried out as part of the Service Learning project, in a primary school in Verona. It was started from the educational project “Mental wandering through mistake” which involved students in an imaginary journey to discover the various aspects that error brings with it. Through play and reflective activities, followed by self and peer feedback experiences, the aim was to promote a percept...
Antioxidant, Osteogenic, and Neuroprotective Effects of Homotaurine in Aging and Parkinson’s Disease Models
Aging is associated with the accumulation of cellular damage due to oxidative stress and chronic low-grade inflammation, collectively referred to as “inflammaging”. This contributes to the functional decline in various tissues, including the brain and skeletal system, which closely interplay. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), known for their regenerative potential and ability to modulate inflammation, offer a promising therapeutic approach to counteract aging-related declines. In this study, we inv...
Longitudinal Variations of Body Characteristics in Italian Elite Adolescent Football Players: An Observational Study
(1) Background: Body characteristics and physical skills affect field performance, and longitudinal improvements of these features allow one to join elite teams. This pilot study aims to investigate longitudinal changes (30 months) in 24 adolescent football players of an elite Italian club. (2) Methods: Participants were clustered according to their age (U10 = 8, U11 = 11, U12 = 5). Anthropometry and body composition assessments were performed following standardized methods. Countermovement jump...
Il Service Learning in area giuridica: l'esperienza dell'Università di Verona
Il Service Learning (SL) è una metodologia didattica che consente di integrare l’apprendimento accademico con il servizio alla comunità, promuovendo una connessione pratica tra teoria e prassi. Basato sul pensiero di Dewey, il SL enfatizza la riflessione critica e il servizio come contributo alla società, sviluppando competenze professionali e trasversali come il problem-solving e il teamwork, incoraggiando una visione civica e sociale complessa. Nello specifico ambito delle scienze giurid...
IRIS - Catalogo delle pubblicazioni
Il catalogo IRIS, gestito dal consorzio CINECA, raccoglie tutte le pubblicazioni scientifiche dell'Università di Verona
Research professional
“Research Professional” di EX-LIBRIS è uno strumento software per la ricerca di opportunità di finanziamento nazionali e internazionali.
Grandi attrezzature di ricerca
Il Centro Piattaforme Tecnologiche gestisce le infrastrutture tecnologicamente all’avanguardia, cui possono accedere sia i diversi gruppi di ricerca dell'ateneo sia le imprese del territorio e gli atenei limitrofi.
Cerca competenze
Expertise e competenze presenti in ateneoUn vero e proprio motore di ricerca delle competenze di docenti e ricercatori dell’Ateneo.
Attraverso questo strumento ideato dall’Università di Verona sarà possibile individuare i migliori partner per lo sviluppo di progetti di ricerca commissionata.
Marie Curie Individual Fellowship
Scegli Verona per la tua borsa individuale Marie CurieScegli l’Università di Verona come sede per la tua borsa Marie Skłodowska-Curie finanziata dall’Unione europea.
Potrai portare avanti il tuo progetto di ricerca in qualunque disciplina e rafforzare le tue prospettive lavorative.
Scopri di piùPartnerships with universities and research centres
A continually expanding collaboration networkThe University of Verona has obtained important awards for its research in all subject areas. Over the years we have achieved significant results on the national and international scene and have formed networks and agreements with many other institutions and the local community. If you want to collaborate with us, get in touch.
Open to worldwide talent
International researchersAre you a researcher interested in doing research at our university? There are Marie Skłodowoska-Curie individual fellowships, the Rita Levi Montalcini programme and many other programmes that support mobilities for researchers.
Partnerships with companies
Dialogues with the business worldThe University of Verona encourages and supports collaboration with companies through projects that involve the use of innovative technologies, highly qualified research staff and specialised structures such as laboratories, spin-offs and research centres.
Visiting Professors
Networking e InternazionalizzazioneL'ateneo promuove la presenza di ricercatori e docenti internazionali per attività di didattica e di ricerca attraverso specifici finanziamenti per la mobilità in ingresso degli ospiti internazionali.
Un Visiting Professor è un docente o ricercatore di alto livello proveniente da un'istituzione straniera, invitato per un periodo limitato a svolgere attività accademiche.
Annualmente vengono pubblicati i bandi "Visiting" ricompresi all'interno del Programma di internazionalizzazione di ateneo che finanziano soggiorni di ricerca e/o di didattica a Verona, oltre che l'attribuzione di interi insegnamenti a docenti internazionali. Inoltre, i Dipartimenti dispongono di appositi finanziamenti, finalizzati ad accrescere la dimensione internazionale della didattica all'interno dei Corsi di studio, anche attraverso la partecipazione di docenti provenienti da atenei europei ed extra-europei.
Consulta l'elenco dei Visiting ProfessorsWork with us
Competitive application announcements
See the page of competitive application announcements for lecturer and research staff positions
Research funding
The University of Verona invests in research
University grantsThe University of Verona supports pure and applied research with local companies and authorities through two specific funding programmes: University grants for pure research, and Joint Projects - University and Companies.
Find moreHow to fund your research
Funding for research, and relations with the local communityAll the funding opportunities for national and international research activities.
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