- Our Services
- Incoming double degree student guide
Incoming double degree student guide
ServiziHere are some useful information for students of partner universities who have chosen to attend an international course and obtain the the degree of the University of Verona, in addition to the degree of their home istitution.
Before you arrive in Verona
Registration in Esse3
In the term before your arrival in Verona, you need to enter your personal details in our online application system (ESSE3). Esse3 is an online platform used by the University of Verona to manage careers of students.
You can find the registration instructions in the "documenti" section.
You can either find accommodation in our ESU student halls or on your own
- ESU student halls: once you have completed your registration in Esse3, you can fill in the online form for accomodantion in our Student halls (ESU). The form is available approximately from April to the middle of June each year. You will find the online form in this page: https://www.univr.it/it/i-nostri-servizi/incoming-studenti-e-staff/exchange-students. ESU student halls only have double or triple rooms. There are usually more requests than the available places, and the beds are assigned on a first come-first served basis.
- If you prefer, you can find an accommodation on your own, or via ISU (International Students Union): https://www.isu-services.it/it/universities/universita-degli-studi-di-verona
If you are planning to look for an accommodation on your own, watch out for online fraud!
Tax code/bank account
You need to obtain an italian tax code to enroll at the university. You may also need a bank account.
If you need help, ask ISU: https://www.isu-services.it/it/universities/universita-degli-studi-di-verona
Medical assistance
If you have a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC or TEAM) from your EU country of origin, you can receive all medically necessary health services.
To obtain said services, you can go directly to a doctor or a public or affiliated health facility and show your EHIC card. The assistance is direct and therefore nothing is due, except for the payment of a possible contribution ("ticket") which is at your expense and is non-refundable.
Important! With the EHIC Card you can go directly to a general practitioner (also known as a family doctor)
If you have a certificate of entitlement other than the EHIC Card, in order to be able to take advantage of healthcare, you normally must first present this certificate to a “Sportello Unico” AULSS (CUP). There they will check whether it is possible for you to register with the National Health Service (SSN), and in this case, you will have the right to full health care under the same conditions as for Italian citizens.
The method of access to health services may vary depending on the entitlement held.
When you are in Verona
Here is the map of the premises of the University of Verona: https://www.univr.it/it/sedi
Once you are in Verona, contact the Student Services Unit of your study area to enrol in your double degree course: https://www.univr.it/it/i-nostri-servizi/segreterie-studenti
Account GIA
To identify a student at the University of Verona with personal credentials:
- Username: id123abc (example)
- Password: (created by student)
Please note: in case of problems with the login (username and password) you can consult the following page: Recupero id utente e reset o modifica password
Matriculation number
You are given this number when you enroll at the University of Verona. You can’t change it. The number is used to identify your academic studies at the University of Verona (exams, lessons etc).
Example: VR123456
Electronic Badge (student ID)
You can find your student ID at the following page: https://mybadge.univr.it/ .
Entering your GIA credentials you can see your badge, including your data and matriculation number.
You don’t have to pay tuition fees, because you already pay them at your home institution. However, an administrative fee for student services is required (around €.200).
ESU Card
The ESU Card is an identification card to access all the services provided by the ESU of Verona and at the same time a prepaid card rechargeable up to 50 thousand euros with which it is possible to make bank transfers, payments for utilities and bills, online purchases etc. It has no activation costs.
University e-mail
When you enroll, you are assigned an institutional email address (name.surname@studenti.univr.it): this is the only email you can and must use to communicate with the teachers of your course of study and with the university offices.
Access to the institutional email occurs with GIA credentials via the webmail application from the MyUnivr platform.
To find out more, consult the page https://www.univr.it/it/i-nostri-servizi/posta-elettronica-studenti
MyUnivr (https://myunivr.univr.it/) is the Student Portal through which you can easily have access to the following services:
- your institutional email account (webmail)
- ESSE3 student management system
- E-learning platform (Moodle) for your online courses and to have access to contents uploaded by lecturers
From the university home page www.univr.it Click at the top right on > MyUnivr
IMPORTANT: you will be able to access to the mentioned services three days after you activated your GIA account
How to access the lessons timetable
Go to the home page of your degree course. Click on “timetable. Select the year (first, second..) and the curriculum, then click on search.
IMPORTANT: timetable will be available shortly before the beginning of classes (approximately from September on)
What is moodle?
Moodle is the online platform used by the University of Verona for courses and lessons. It allows professors to create a virtual classroom, in fact there you can find all the materials and information uploaded for the course, links to join zoom’s online lessons and to access recorded lessons on Panopto.
What is panopto?
Panopto is the online platform professors can use to record and upload lessons. Some lessons are recorded and you can view them both in through the links in the course’s moodle and via Panopto website: https://univr.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Home.a spx HOW TO ACCESS MYUNIVR and MOODLE COURSES: Go to the https://www.univr.it/home and click on “MyUnivr”.
How to subscribe to a moodle course:
Login to MyUnivr with your GIA account credentials. Click on the section LIBRETTO to see the subjects that you included in your study plan.
Now you have to enroll in each subject by clicking on “ISCRIVITI AL CORSO ONLINE”
Click on the icon of the course that you want to subscribe to. Remember to choose the correct academic year.
ATTENTION! In order to subscribe and access a Moodle’s course, it is MANDATORY to have that course in the booklet “LIBRETTO”.
What is “libretto”?
Libretto is a space where all the courses that you chose are reported and where the marks you will get will be written.
Exams: online registration
Exames have to be booked. Log in to MyUnivr and click on the Esse3 icon.
At “Exam sessions available (Appelli disponibili)” you will see the available exams corresponding to your online “libretto” (= student records booklet) online.
Before registration please check that the code / title of the course / Surname and Name of the professor are correct.
Deadlines for registration:
- From 30 days before the exam date
- To 4 days before the exam date
Before proceeding with registration you should first of all fill in a questionnaire about each course.
You will be asked to answer to some questions regarding the quality of the course and all its aspects (the questionnaire is written both in Italian and in English).
Once registered, if everything has been done correctly, you will see the confirmation screen “Prenotazione effettuata”.
To check the list of exams you have registered for click on > Home > Exams > Exam bookings noticeboard.
If you no longer wish to register for an exam please don’t forget to delete your booking by clicking on “Cancella”.
Wifi: how to access
You can access with your GIA credentials. For more information see the following page: https://www.univr.it/it/i-nostri-servizi/servizi-di-rete-e-fonia/networking/univair-rete-wireless-di-ateneo
Degree application
In order to graduate you need to register for graduation on Esse3 by the set deadlines.
The registration procedure is broken down into several steps and requires your supervisor to approve your dissertation title. In order to graduate, you must also have sat and recorded all the examinations of your study plan. You must also have submitted your dissertation in accordance with the procedure and by the set deadlines. You also have to pay the revenue stamp for graduation.
For further information see the video tutorial
Degree certificate and diploma supplement
You can request the delivery of your diploma certificate and/or diploma supplement to your home.
Read here for more information: https://www.univr.it/en/our-services/-/servizi/student-secretary/certificates-and-copies/certificates-and-scrolls-
- Guida alla registrazione di una nuova anagrafica in esse3