Science and Engineering Teaching and Student Services Unit
- Organisation
- Teaching and Student Services Head Office
- Science and Engineering Group
- Science and Engineering Teaching and Student Services Unit
- Supporting the deliberations of the department, teaching committees and joint committees on teaching and student services.
- Supporting the department, teaching committees and study programme contact staff in establishing and modifying courses (initial project, definitive project (Sua-CdS card) and sustainability), establishing and terminating courses (teaching load, teaching regulations) and monitoring (exam resits and second marking).
- Managing contract professors.
- Overseeing the organisation of lesson times, exams and graduation sessions.
- Managing the academic records of the students in the department.
- Running the front office.
Opening hours
Teaching and Student Services Units (i.e. Segreterie) for each field of study can be contacted by phone from Monday to Friday, 10 am – 12 noon.
For any queries about your student exam record and administrative aspects, please write to: putting your Student ID number and title of your degree programme in the subject line. Alternatively, you can use the Online Service Desk Manager (please note that you will need to log in using your GIA login details).
External users may write to
For any queries about certificates, please see:
- Certificate issuing service – Science and Engineering
- CLA - Esercitazioni linguistiche - Scienze e Ingegneria
- Curriculum change
- Erasmus+ and other experiences abroad - Science and Engineering
- Graduation Sessions - Science and Engineering
- Internships and work orientation - Science e Engineering
- Magnetic Student IDs (Badge) for Science and Engineering students
- Recognition of credits acquired from a previous career - Science and Engineering
- Requirements for enrolment in subsequent years - Science and Engineering
- Student Career Management - Sciences and Engineering
- Study Plan – Science and Engineering
- Transfer to years after the first - Science and Engineering
- Transition to years after/following the first - Science and Engineering
- Tutoring for students - Science and Engineering
- Head
- Caterina Vantini
- Address
- Strada le Grazie 15 - 37134 Verona