Requirements for enrolment in subsequent years - Science and Engineering

Last date for the basic knowledge verification (OFA test) in order to be enrolled in subsequent year (a.k.a. "sbarramento" for students enrolled in A.Y 2021/2022):
- Biotechnology and Viticultural and Oenological Science and Technology: 5 October 2022
- Applied Mathematics, Human Centered Medical System Engineering, Computer Science, Bioinformatics: 30 November 2022

Requirements for enrolment in subsequent years ("sbarramenti")

In order to be admitted to the second year, the student must have cleared the additional training obligations (OFAs) and obtained the number of credits defined in the regulations, by taking the exams required in their study plan, by the specified date in the calendar year following the year of enrolment (e.g.: if the student enrolled in October 2022 - A.A. 22/23, they must have the requirements to enrol in the second year by the following dates in 2023):

  • Biotechnology: OFA and 30 CFUs by 5 October;
  • Bioinformatics: OFA and 24 CFUs by 10 December;
  • Computer Science: OFA and 24 CFUs by 10 December;
  • Human Centered Medical System Engineering: OFA and 24 CFUs by 10 December;
  • Applied Mathematics: OFA and 24 CFUs by 10 December;

For the degree courses in Viticultural and Oenological Science and Technology and in Innovation and sustainability in the industrial production of food, the student must have passed the basic skills assessment (OFA) by the end of the autumn session of the first year.

If a student who lacks the basic skills and/or the minimum number of CFUs fails - within the defined deadlines - to acquire them in accordance with the above-mentioned procedures, they will be enrolled in the 1st year of the degree course as a "repeater" and will therefore not be able to sit exams in the 2nd year of the study plan.

Additional Learning Obligations (OFA)

If the student has enrolled without having acquired the basic knowledge upon entry, they are assigned corresponding Additional Learning Obligations (OFA) to be met during the first year of the course. In particular, in order to facilitate the timely acquisition of basic skills, specific supplementary and support teaching activities are organised. The student, therefore, must pass - strictly within the first year of the course - the ad hoc assessment tests, organised by the teaching structure and communicated by the same together with useful information on times and methods. 
For some study courses, OFAs are considered to have been fulfilled by passing specific exams: please check this detail on the course's web page in the section "How to enrol - Entry requirements - Methods and dates of verification", taking care to select the academic year of enrolment from the appropriate menu. 

For degree courses with scheduled access, the entrance test (TOLC-B or TOLC-AV) counts as a basic knowledge verification, if the scores envisaged by the call for admission are obtained; in this case, the student will have to wait for the registration of the OFA in ESSE3, which is done massively by the Secretariat after the appropriate checks, which may take a few months.
On the contrary, if the student knows that they have obtained scores below the thresholds laid down in their call for admission, they can register for the respective exam in ESSE3 to take the basic knowledge verification.

Remedial courses and OFA tests

The calendar of remedial courses for OFAs for the academic year 2022/2023 will be published in the Documents section at the bottom of the page, and communicated through MyUnivr.

The basic knowledge verification is held in presence or, for organisational reasons at the discretion of the Operational Unit, online. Dates are published in the Documents section at the bottom of the page, and communicated through MyUnivr.

Minimum thresholds for passing the verification

For students of the Computer Science Department:

  • the Mathematics-Logic test consists of 20 mathematics and 10 logic questions, lasts 70 minutes, and is considered passed with a score greater than or equal to 6/30;
    • for Applied Mathematics students the score must be greater than or equal to 12/30.

For students in the Biotechnology Department:

  • the Mathematics-Physics test consists of 20 questions in mathematics and 10 in physics, lasts 70 minutes, and is considered passed with an overall score of 6/30 or higher;
  • the Chemistry-Biology test consists of 10 chemistry and 10 biology questions, lasts 40 minutes, and is considered passed with an overall score of 4/20 or higher.

Testing schedule

The last test before the deadline for enrolment in the second year (2021/22 enrolled students) will take place according to the following schedule: 
- Biotechnology students, on 5 October 2022, as per notice
- Applied Mathematics students, on 30 November 2022, as per notice
- Bioinformatics students, on 30 November 2022, as per notice
- Computer Science students, on 30 November 2022, as per notice
- Human Centered Medical System Engineering students, on 30 November 2022, as per notice

The basic knowledge verification for the A.Y. 2022/23 will be held according to the following schedule: 
- Biotechnology students: 25 November, as per notice
- Viticultural and Oenological Science and Technology students: 25 November, as per notice
- Innovation and Sustainability in Industrial Food Production students: 25 November, as per notice
- Applied Mathematics students: 30 November 2022, as per notice
- Bioinformatics students: 30 November 2022, as per notice
- Computer Science students: 30 November 2022, as per notice
- Human Centered Medical System Engineering students: 30 November 2022, as per notice

Service managed by:
Student Front Office: +39 045 8027011 | Opening hours: 10:00-13:00


Saperi minimi (OFA) | A.A. 2024/2025
Corsi di recupero delle competenze in ingresso di Matematica e Fisica | A.A. 2024/2025