- Our Services
- Student Career Management - Sciences and Engineering
- Tutoring for students - Science and Engineering
Tutoring for students - Science and Engineering
ServiziThe teachers of the individual courses of study provide a tutoring service aimed at guiding and assisting students of the Bachelor’s degree, in particular freshmen, to make them participate in the entire educational process, with the aim of preventing dropout and delay in studies, as well as promoting a profitable active participation in university life in all its forms.
It is aimed at offering an orientation activity that can support the organizational and administrative aspects of university life.
The current tutors are:
- Dott.ssa Marina Piccari, marina.piccari@univr.it – Front Office Science and Engineering.
- Dott.ssa Emma Orlando, emma.orlando@univr.it – Front Office Science and Engineering.
For more information, please refer to the University's Orientation and Tutoring services.
- Service managed by:
- carriere.scienze@ateneo.univr.it
- Office hours for tutoring service provided by faculty members | 1st semester A.Y. 2024/2025
AGGIORNATO | Orari di ricevimento per gli studenti triennali | Office hours for Bachelor students - IT | 186Kb | 14/01/2025
UPDATED | Orari di ricevimento per gli studenti magistrali | Office hours for Master students - EN | 182Kb | 14/01/2025
- Presentation of the tutoring service provided by faculty members
The presentation of the service aimed at three-year students was held on 4 November 2024 at 5.30 p.m. in Aula Tessari, that aimed at master's students was held on 5 November at 5.30 p.m. in Aula T.03.
Slide della presentazione rivolta agli studenti magistrali - IT | 397Kb | 06/11/2024
Slides of the presentation for master's students - EN | 403Kb | 06/11/2024
Slide della presentazione rivolta agli studenti triennali - IT | 387Kb | 06/11/2024
- Tutoring service provided by faculty members | Computer Science Teaching Committee (approved on the 27th of March 2024)