- Our Services
- Students
- Student Secretary
Student Secretary
ServiziTeaching and student services units
Teaching and Student Services Units provide administrative services to students throughout their university pathway, from enrolment to graduation.
To get in touch with Units, please:
- send a request via Service Desk (not for Science and Engineering and Medicine and Surgery students);
- send an e-mail (only for Science and Engineering and Medicine and Surgery students);
- book an appointment to go to the Units’ office in person;
- connect via 'Sportello virtuale’ (online front desk);
- phone (only if you need general information).
Teaching and Student Services Units per area
Please find below the contact details and opening hours of student services units relevant to each area of study:
- Economia
- Formazione, Filosofia e Servizio Sociale
- Giurisprudenza
- Lettere, Arti e Comunicazione
- Lingue e Letterature Straniere
- Medicina e Chirurgia
- Scienze e Ingegneria
- Scienze motorie
It is always possible through Esse3 to download the various self-certifications to be used in accordance with current legislation and to carry out fully online activities (graduation application, thesis upload, withdrawing from studies, etc.).
- Service managed by:
CFU credits
Cambio di ordinamento (opzione)
Certificates and copies
Lasciare e riprendere gli studi
Lesson timetable and attendance requirements
Part-time study and flexibility
Procedura alias per studenti trans o nonbinary
Programma MUR Erasmus italiano
Riconoscimento crediti acquisiti da una carriera pregressa
Rinnovo iscrizione
Saperi minimi e Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi (OFA)
Trasferimenti e passaggi di corso
Univr risponde - L'assistente virtuale dell'Università di Verona
Your Student ID card