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- Lesson timetable and attendance requirements
Lesson timetable and attendance requirements
ServiziLesson timetable
Find all dates (semesters, exam and graduation sessions, vacations and closures, etc.) specific to a degree programme in the teaching calendar available on the degree programme website, in the Study section, available here after selecting your programme.
Lesson timetables will be published at least 20 days before the beginning of each module.
Exam dates are normally published at least 20 days before the exam round in quesiton.
Graduation exams (lauree) normally take place during three graduation sessions during the year, as set out in the relevant academic calendar, available on each degree programme’s web page (Study > Graduation).
All dates shown are about the selected academic year.
To select another academic year and see the relevant calendar, select the year in the dropdown menu on top-right of the page. To report any missing dates, contact your Segreteria Studenti.
Attendance requirements
Any attendance requirements can be found in the Teaching Regulations of the degree programme, which can be found by clicking on Programme > Regulations. If no specific attendance requirements are set out in the Regulations, please check the indications provided by the individual lecturer for each module.
To access the regulations and the lecturer’s personal web page, select the degree programme of your interest here.
Mode of teaching
The University of Verona has returned to face-to-face lectures (both for part-time and full-time students), thus resuming the normal mode of teaching (classroom lectures, practicals, laboratories, professional traineeships, or blended mode for specific modules).
Each lecturer, in a coordinated manner and consistent with the specific training pathway of each degree programme, will identify the most appropriate teaching support modes, which may include all forms of teaching, including distance learning. The methods chosen will be published on the web page of each module.
Any recordings of the lectures, if made available by the lecturer, will be published on Panopto and made available from the module’s online space on Moodle.
Please find below the contact details and opening hours of student services units relevant to each area of study: