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- Certificates and copies
Certificates and copies
ServiziCertificates and requests for copies
Certificates can be issued in Italian or in English.
Certificates valid for international use must include the following wording: “Ai sensi dell’art. 40, d.P.R. 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445, il presente certificato è rilasciato solo per l’estero” (Pursuant to Art. 40 of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000, this certificate is only valid for international use), Circolare no. 5/2012 of the Ministry of the Public Administration).
Certificates must be requested by completing the appropriate form, which must be submitted to the relevant University’s Office in one of the following ways:
- in person to the front office of the relevant University’s Office; the applicant, in addition to the completed application form, must also include the necessary ‘stamp duties’ (one for the application form, and one for each certificate requested);
- the applicant can also authorise a third party to request the certificateon their behalf, provided an authorisation form signed by the applicant and a copy of their valid identity document (both sides) are attached together with the application;
- by PEC - Certified Email from the applicant’s personal PEC account to: protocollo@pec.univr.it, also attaching a copy of their valid identity document (both sides). In any case, the applicant must deliver the necessary ‘stamp duties’ to the Office;
- by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt, to the following address: Università degli Studi di Verona - Ufficio Protocollo - Palazzo Giuliari, Via dell'Artigliere n. 8 - 37129 Verona. The applicant must also attach a copy of his/her valid identity document (both sides) and the necessary ‘stamp duties’.
Certificates can also be sent by post. In this case, the organisation of the delivery of the ‘stamp duties’ and the collection of the certificates, as well as the cost of the service, shall be borne by the applicant.
Services available per Area
- Medicina> Medicine and Surgery
- Scienze e Ingegneria > Sciences and Engineering
- Scienze motorie > Sports Sciences
Stamp duty
‘Stamp duty’ (marca da bollo, or imposta di bollo) is an Italian tax that applies to certain types of documents issued by the bodies of the Italian public administration, when such documents are not exempt from taxes under current legislation.
The current value of ‘stamp duties’ required for documents and forms of the University is €16,00 for every 4 printed pages.
Failure to comply with the obligation to attach the required ‘stamp duty’ to the documents in question may result in administrative fines.
‘Stamp duties’ can be purchased in tobacco shops simply by asking for a ‘stamp duty’ of €16,00 (or as needed).
‘Stamp duties’ can also be paid online in cases where the University has made available specific payment methods for this purpose.
Certificates exempt from ‘Stamp duty’
Only in specific cases, as specified by current legislation (Presidential Decree no. 642/1972 and other relevant provisions), certificates can be issued without a ‘stamp duty’. In this case, applicants are not required to pay any tax, not even for the application.
The applicant who intends to request a certificate exempt from ‘stamp duty’ must declare to the University:
- the reason for which such a certificate is being requested;
- the relevant legislation allowing certificates exempt from ‘stamp duty’.
Art. 22 of Presidential Decree no. 642/1972 sets out that all those (including public officials and users) who sign, receive, accept or negotiate documents that do not comply with the provisions of the aforementioned decree, or who refer to such documents, or attach these to other official documents, are severally liable for the payment of the relevant tax and any applicable administrative sanctions.
Substitutive declarations of certification and/or affidavit (or self-certifications)
Starting from 1 January 2012 the bodies of the Italian public administration (including the University of Verona) and the private providers of public services may neither request nor receive certificates (Art. 15, Law no. 183/2011, which amended several provisions of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000).
With effect from that date, each certificate must include the following wording, or else it shall not be considered valid: "Il presente certificato non può essere prodotto agli organi della pubblica amministrazione o ai privati gestori di pubblici servizi” (This certificate cannot be produced to bodies of the Italian public administration or private providers of public services in Italy).
Information concerning documents or facts relating to one's career as a student at the University may be provided to bodies of the Italian public administration and private providers of public services exclusively in the form of a Substitutive declaration of certification (Art. 46 of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000) and/or affidavit (Art. 47 of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000).
Failure to accept an applicant’s substitutive declaration by bodies of the Italian public administration or private providers of public services constitutes a breach of official duties. Therefore, whoever intends to certify, to a public body or to a private provider of public services, documents or facts relating to their career as a student at the University, must necessarily submit a substitutive declaration of certification and/or affidavit (also called "self-certification"), which shall replace certificates for all legal purposes.
Please note that self-certification does not require the payment of a ‘stamp duty’ (marca da bollo, or imposta di bollo).
Self-certification templates
The University will soon make available Self-certification templates on ESSE3. Please note that Self-certifications are the sole responsibility of those who sign and submit them.
For further information, see the relevant Guidelines (in Italian).
Self-certifications available on ESSE3
- for tax purposes (as an individual)
- enrolment certificate –individual modules exams
- enrolment certificate – advanced and professional development courses
- enrolment certificate –individual modules
- extra-curricular internship certificate of completion – graduates
- curricular internship certificate of completion – students
- certificate of completion – special needs teacher training course
- certificate of completion – CSS special needs teacher training course (without exams)
- certificate of completion – 24 CFU teacher training course
- certificate of completion – 24 CFU teacher training course (legal professions)
- CS24 individual module
- enrolment certificate – Postgraduate Specialisation courses for the legal professions
- enrolment certificate
- enrolment certificate – PhD programme
- enrolment certificate – PAS course
- enrolment certificate – PAS course with exams
- enrolment certificate – TFA course with exams
- enrolment certificate – with exams and SSD
- enrolment certificate – for pension purposes
- enrolment certificate – Professional Master’s programme
- enrolment certificate for tax purposes
- enrolment certificate for tax purposes – PAS
- enrolment certificate for tax purposes – TFA
- enrolment certificate for tax purposes – PhD Programme
- enrolment certificate – TFA
- graduation certificate
- graduation certificate with exams – PAS
- graduation certificate with exams and SSD
- graduation certificate with exams and SSD - Spain
- graduation certificate – Medical Postgraduate Specialisation programme with exams (ante riforma)
- graduation certificate – professional development courses
- PhD graduation certificate – for pension purposes
- graduation certificate – degrees and Professional Master’s degrees
- graduation certificate with exams and SSD – PF60
- graduation certificate with exams and SSD – TFA
- graduation certificate – pas
- graduation certificate – Medical Postgraduate Specialisation programme (ante riforma)
- graduation certificate – TFA
- withdrawing from studies
- withdrawing from studies / lapsed student status
- suspension of studies – PhD Programme
Diploma Supplement
All those who have gained a Bachelor’s degree (Laurea), or a Master’s degree programme (Laurea specialistica/magistrale) pursuant to D.M. n. 509/1999 or D.M. n. 270/2004, can obtain a document - exempt from ‘stamp duty’ - which describes, in Italian and in English, the degree programme and the qualification in question.
Such a document - which is not a certificate - can be requested to the Certificates Office - Rilascio Pergamene di Laurea (ufficio.diplomi@ateneo.univr.it).
- People
- Form for requesting certificates
Modulo richiesta certificati - IT | 592Kb | 20/01/2025
Modulo richiesta certificati - EN | 438Kb | 20/01/2025
- Modulo da presentare al datore di lavoro