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- Post Lauream
Post Lauream
This section deals with organisational support for post-lauream teaching
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- Service managed by:
- segreteria.master@ateneo.univr.it
FAQ – Professional Master’s programmes, advanced and professional development courses (updated 2023-04-04)
What is a Professional master’s programme?
- Professional master’s programmes are professionally-oriented courses lasting from one to two years, by the end of which students are awarded an academic qualification. In the course of a Professional master’s programme, students earn at least 60 CFU credits (for one-year programmes), or 120 CFU credits (for two-year programmes). There are two types of Professional master’s programmes, each with different entry requirements: first- and second-level Professional master’s programmes. Student wishing to enrol on a 1st-level Professional master’s programme must have a Bachelor’s degree, or an equivalent foreign qualification of at least three years duration. For 2nd-level Professional master’s programmes, a Master’s degree is required for admission.
What are advanced and professional development courses?
- Advanced and professional development courses are advanced courses designed based on the needs of professional associations, public bodies, companies and local health authorities. These courses can be aimed both at graduates and people holding a high-school diploma who wish to enhance their knowledge of a particular technical, professional and cultural area. In order to be admitted, applicants must meet the below requirements:
1. Students wishing to apply for advanced courses must have a Bachelor’s degree, or equivalent foreign qualification of at least three years duration.
2. To apply for advanced and professional development courses, you must hold a secondary school diploma or a foreign qualification recognised as suitable according to current legislation.
What are Continuing education programmes?
- Continuing education programmes are flexible courses designed to meet the needs of professional associations, public bodies, companies and local health authorities. These courses are for employed and unemployed people, graduates and diploma holders wishing to enhance their professional skills in specific specialised areas. Admission requirements: in order to be admitted to a Continuing education programme you must have a secondary school diploma or a foreign qualification recognised as suitable according to current legislation. Further details on admission requirements and eligible qualifications are indicated in the relevant course information sheet.
How a course is promoted and launched once it has been approved by the University’s governing bodies?
- Once approved by the University’s governing bodies, a course description is published on the University’s website with all the relevant administrative and teaching information. For each course, Programme Directors may send to the Postgraduate Study Office additional information and notices to be published on the programme web page. The University’s Communications Office takes care of the promotional aspects of programmes on the University’s website, as well as on the University’s social media channels and specific websites. Once having agreed upon enrolment deadlines with Programme Directors, the Postgraduate Study Office prepares the Call for applications and the relevant annexes, which include a Programme Fact Sheet for each course. The Call, which is also made available in English, is published on the University’s official registry and website.
When is the Call for applications for Professional Master’s programmes, advanced and professional development courses normally published?
- The Call for applications to apply for Postgraduate Study courses is normally published in July. Additional Calls for further courses may be published during the academic year.
Each course/programme has a specific deadline for submitting applications.
How do I enrol on a Postgraduate Study course?
- Applicants normally apply online through the ESSE3 platform. The application process includes two steps.
The first step is the applicant’s registration and application to take part in the selection process. After the enrolment deadline, the Postgraduate Study Office will inform each Programme Director whether their course has reached the minimum number of students, and if so, it will send them a list of eligible students. If a selection process is to be carried out, or if the number of applicants exceeds the maximum number of students that can be admitted, the Scientific Committee will draw up a list of the admitted applicants. The Office will then publish the list with all the information necessary to complete the enrolment. For courses that are open (no selection process or evaluation by the Scientific Committee), the Office, once it has ensured that the minimum number of participants has been reached, will publish a list of the admitted applicants, with all the information necessary to complete the enrolment.
The second step is the enrolment and the payment of the instalment.
Please check our website for tutorials on how to register on ESSE3, how to apply for the Call and how to enrol.
How long does it take to enrol?
- From ‘enrolment deadline’to ‘sending the list of applicants to Programme Directors’: 3 working days.
From ‘receiving the list of the admitted applicants by the Scientific Committee’ to ‘publication of the list of admitted applicants, and open enrolment window’: 3 working days.
From the ‘opening of the enrolment window’ to ‘enrolment deadline’: 5 working days.
From ‘enrolment deadline’ to ‘start of the course’: 5 working days.
For courses in which a high number of applicants is expected, or a high number of applicants with foreign qualifications, the Postgraduate Study Office may choose to postpone deadlines, especially for the activities included in the first two lines above.
Are there any enrolment deadline extensions and exceptions?
- Yes. Enrolment deadlines may be extended by up to one month. If, after the enrolment deadline, the number of applicants is less than the minimum number of enrolled students required, the Programme Director may propose and have approved by the Department a new financial plan that complies with the sustainability requirements of the course. If the number of applicants exceeds the maximum number of students that can be admitted, the Scientific Committee may determine to admit more applicants, provided that the quality requirements of the course are met (i.e. classrooms, student/faculty ratio, internship opportunities). If, after the enrolment deadline, the minimum number of applicants to be admitted has not been reached, additional applicants may be admitted, as long as it is before the start of the course.
Is it possible to be enrolled in a Professional Master’s programme and another programme/degree at the same time?
- As far as Professional Master’s programmes are concerned, in accordance with the relevant legislation, you can be enrolled:
a) in two Professional Master’s programmes at the same time, even at two different Universities, provided that the programmes in question are different;
b) in a Professional Master’s programme and a Bachelor/Master’s degree at the same time;
c) in a Professional Master’s programme and a Postgraduate Specialisation programme at the same time;
d) in a Professional Master’s programme and a PhD programme;
For points a) and b) above, if attendance requirements are in place for one of the two programmes, enrolment in the second programme is permitted only if the latter does not have any attendance requirements, with the exception of courses for which compulsory attendance is required only for laboratory and internship activities.
For point c), enrolment is permitted subject to assessment by the respective collegiate bodies, which will verify that the conditions for acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for achieving the training objectives for each programme are met, and that these are compatible with the attendance requirements in place.
For point d), enrolment is permitted subject to assessment by the respective collegiate bodies, which will verify that the conditions for acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for achieving the training objectives for each programme are met.
I am about to complete my degree programme: can I enrol on a Professional master’s programme?
- Yes, students who are about to graduate are allowed to enrol in a Professional Master's programme if they have taken all the modules and only need to pass the final examination to earn their degree. They must graduate by the last graduation session of the academic year prior to the one in which lectures start. Please note: when drawing up the list of eligible applicants (‘graduatoria’), priority will be given to applicants who have graduated by the enrolment deadline.
May I apply for more than one Professional master’s programme?
- Yes, you can apply for and enrol in multiple Professional Master’s programmes, subject to any mandatory attendance requirements, if applicable. Please note: you cannot be enrolled in two Professional Master’s programmes of the same type at two different universities/institutes at the same time.
Can I attend a Professional master’s programme and another postgraduate study course in the same academic year?
- Yes, you can attend a Professional master’s programme and another postgraduate study course in the same academic year, subject to any mandatory attendance requirements, if applicable.
I am about to complete my degree programme: can I enrol on an advanced course?
- Yes, students who are about to graduate – i.e. those who only need to pass the final examination to complete their degree programme – can enrol on an advanced course, provided that they graduate before the beginning of the latter course, which requires mandatory attendance.
Please note: when drawing up the list of eligible applicants (graduatoria), priority will be given to applicants who have graduated by the enrolment deadline.
Am I eligible to receive any benefits if I enrol on a Professional master’s programme?
- Yes, if you enrol on a Professional master’s programme, you may be entitled to receive a benefit in the form of a reduction/reimbursement of your tuition fees for a value of €500. Specifically:
1) Students who graduate in the academic year 2020/2021 within the normal duration of their Bachelor’s degree or Single-cycle/Combined Bachelor+Master’s degree (including at a different university) and who then enrol for the following academic year on a 1st-level Professional master’s programme at the University of Verona are awarded a tuition fee reduction of € 500;
2) Students who graduate in the academic year 2020/2021 within the normal duration of their Master’s degree or Single cycle/Combined Bachelor+Master’s degree (including at a different university) who then enrol for the following academic year on a 2nd-level Professional master’s programme at the University of Verona are awarded a tuition fee reduction of € 500.
How to apply for benefits:
a) if you graduated at the University of Verona before registering for the selection process, these benefits are applied automatically;
b) if you graduated at the University of Verona after registering for the selection process, please write to: segreteria.master@ateneo.univr.it;
c) if you graduated at another university, please write to: segreteria.master@ateneo.univr.it and attach a substitutive declaration ("dichiarazione sostitutiva del certificato di laurea ai sensi del DPR 445/2000”) in which you declare the following:
• the name of the University at which you graduated;
• that you have graduated within the normal duration of your degree programme;
• the academic year in which you enrolled;
• the academic year in which you graduated.
• This declaration must be original and you will need to send it together with a scanned copy of a valid ID document.
If point b) or c) above applies to you, you should send your request at the time of enrolling, or before the second instalment of tuition fees is issued, if due. Benefits are in the form of a reduction of the first or the second instalment (if due), or as a reimbursement if the instalments have already been paid in full.
Are there any reduced fees or benefits for enrolled students?
- Yes. Students with disabilities can apply for reduced fees, as follows:
a) Students with a certified disability according to Art. 3(1) of Law no. 104/1992 or with at least 66% invalidity, are completely exempt from paying course fees for Professional Master’s programmes, advanced and professional development courses. These students will be enrolled as ‘extra students’, i.e. they will not be taken into account when calculating the minimum number of participants to start the course.
b) Students with certified disability of 50-65% are awarded a €250 reduction towards their course fees for Professional Master’s programmes, and a 5% reduction towards their course fees for advanced and professional development courses. Benefits are in the form of a reduction of the first or the second instalment (if due), or as a reimbursement if the instalments have already been paid in full.
What is the percentage of attendance in a post-graduate course?
- Attendance is compulsory for a fixed percentage which cannot be less than 70% of the teaching activity. The specific percentage of attendance varies according to the Course and can be consulted in the "home" section of the individual Courses.
Enrolment fees: how should I pay them?
- You can pay the enrolment fees of your course by printing out the PagoPA payment form, which will be made available to you online at the time of enrolment. If your company or organisation intends to pay your fees, please get in touch with the Segreteria master: segreteria.master@ateneo.it
Posso pagare le tasse dei corsi Post Lauream con Carta docente?
- La Carta docente può essere utilizzata per l'acquisto di iscrizione a corsi di laurea, di laurea magistrale, specialistica o a ciclo unico, inerenti al profilo professionale, ovvero a corsi post lauream o a master universitari inerenti al profilo professionale. Il buono deve essere inviato prima del pagamento della tassa a segreteria.master@ateneo.it
Can a company or external organisation pay for my enrolment fees?
- Yes. However, if a private company is paying for your fees, the payment must be made before the payment deadline set out in the relevant Call for applications. If a public body or organisation is paying for your fees, a certificate stating that the payment will be made (‘impegno di spesa’) must be sent to the University by the enrolment deadline. At the request of the company or organisation, a payment receipt can be issued once payment has been received by the University.
Is it possible to attend lectures remotely from home?
- For any teaching and learning activities taking place online, the University’s regulations on e-learning apply. Enrolled students may attend lectures remotely without any restrictions if these activities have been planned to include Distance learning.
Do Postgraduate Study courses and programmes include internships?
- Professional Master’s programmes, advanced and professional development courses may include compulsory internships in public and private organisations and companies, and in professional firms. In order to host students and become Host Organisations, companies will need to enter into a curricular internship agreement with the University.
By curricular internship is meant a practical training experience in a workplace carried out by a student enrolled in a course/degree programme; the internship is compulsory if it is regarded as a core activity to be completed in order to achieve the final qualification.
Compulsory curricular internships must be completed by the end of the course/programme indicated by the Programme Coordinator in the final report and communicated to the students. All the training activities of the course, including the final examination, where applicable, must be completed by this deadline. The delivery of diplomas or ceremony, if any, always takes place on a date after the course has ended.
Within 12 months of the end of the course, an extra-curricular internship may be activated: it is still a training experience in a workplace but is aimed at those who are no longer enrolled in any course, i.e. graduates. Companies wishing to host graduates as interns and become Host Organisations will need to enter into an extra-curricular internship agreement with the University.
Please note that different regulations from those in place for curricular internships apply to extra-curricular internships; extra-curricular internships may not last longer than six months and the relevant Host Organisation is required to pay the intern a gross monthly allowance, which for the Veneto Region amounts to €450.
To find out more, see the section “Programma” – “Informazioni sullo stage” (if applicable) on the Individual Modules web pages.
How are partnerships with external organisations (i.e. Italian or foreign universities, organisations and institutions) arranged as far as postgraduate courses are concerned?
- Partnerships in the area of postgraduate courses are established by means of an agreement (‘Convenzione’) drawn up by the Postgraduate Study office using a template approved by the University. This must then be signed by the Rector, or the Director of the Department.
Will I be refunded my tuition fees if I withdraw from one of these postgraduate study courses?
- No reimbursement of the tuition fees will be made if you withdraw from your course. Following the withdrawal, the student is not entitled to a refund of the fees and contributions already paid, while the obligations to pay the instalments due before the official withdrawal date shall remain, as well as the financial obligations relating to sanctions or forfeiture of any financial benefits already received.
How do I withdraw from studies?
- To withdraw from studies, log into ESSE3, then click on “carriere” and “domanda di chiusura”. Once the procedure is complete, the system will provide you with a €16 payment form (stamp duty - imposta di bollo) that you will need to pay. Once your payment is made, you will need to send a copy of the form to segreteria.master@ateneo.univr.it. Please note that your withdrawal request will be regarded as correctly submitted only once you have paid the relevant stamp duty.
Can a student temporarily withdraw from a course?
- Yes, you can withdraw from your course temporarily, in case of:
a) prolonged illness
b) pregnancy
c) maternity/paternity
d) any other case established by current legislation
e) other special cases authorised by the Scientific Committee
The student may be admitted as an extra student to the same course in the following academic year, if applicable.
The Scientific Committee may recognise the activities previously attended by the student, and shall determine the amount of enrolment fees to be paid.
How to request certificates and self-declarations for Postgraduate Study courses?
- For information about how to request certificates and self-declarations, please see the relevant web page:
Please note that certificates and self-declarations are only made available once the qualification has been obtained.
Certificates are normally delivered within 3 working days of the request.
However, self-declarations may be downloaded and printed by the student. Self-declaration templates are available on ESSE3 at: https://univr.esse3.cineca.it/Home.do
When and where do I collect my diploma/graduation scroll?
- Your diploma/graduation scroll is made available approximately one to one and a half months after completion of your Course/programme. How long this takes depends on the request of the Programme Coordinator, the administrative processing by the Postgraduate and Teacher Training Office and the Enrolment Office, which is responsible for printing diplomas/graduation scrolls.
The diploma/graduation scroll can be collected from the relevant office (Ufficio Diplomi). For information and contact details, please see:
On the page you’ll find out how to check: the status of your diploma/graduation scroll (Student ID is required) and when this will become available for pick-up or, possibly, shipment and the corresponding cost.