Teacher training

The University of Verona is accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research for holding teacher training courses for prospective teachers and professional development courses for teaching staff. Teachers intending to apply for one of these courses can use their Carta del docente to pay the relevant registration fee. 

The following courses are available at the University of Verona: 

Socio-pedagogical professional educator – intensive course
In accordance with par. 597 of Law no. 205/2017, upon completion of this intensive course, participants will be awarded 60 CFU university credits towards the achievement of the qualification of ‘socio-pedagogical professional educator’ (Educatore Professionale Socio-Pedagogico) to be obtained by 2020, as required for teachers not holding a degree from class L-19 (Education Sciences) or equivalent.

24-CFU programme 
Upon completion of a ’24-CFU’ programme, participants will be able to apply for the open competitive exam to become teachers or special needs teachers in Italy, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 59 of 13 April 2017, as amended by Law no. 145 of 30/12/2018 (para. 792 to 796).
The programme includes 7 modules in the four main areas identified by the current legislation: Pedagogy, special pedagogy and didactics of inclusion; Psychology; Anthropology; Teaching methodologies and technologies. The relevant Scientific-disciplinary sectors, training objectives, organisation and costs have been set out in Ministerial decree no. 616 of 10 August 2017.
Please see section ‘Documenti’ below for further information on regulations and recognition of prior learning for those applying for the 24-CFU programme. 

Special needs teacher training 
Training courses towards the achievement of an advanced qualification for teachers dealing with students with disabilities. 

Our offices, including our ‘front office’, are now closed to the public, and all in-person appointments are suspended until further notice. Please contact us by email or phone from Monday to Friday, 10 am to 12 noon — if the answering machine is on, please try again later.


dalle 10 alle 12 dal lunedì al venerdì.
Se durante l'orario indicato si attiva la segreteria telefonica significa che le linee sono occupate. Si consiglia di riprovare

  • SPORTELLO FRONT OFFICE IN PRESENZA SU PRENOTAZIONE: inviare mail a formazioneinsegnanti@ateneo.univr.it per fissare l'appuntamento
  • SPORTELLO VIRTUALE ZOOM SU PRENOTAZIONE: sospeso durante il periodo organizzativo dei percorsi docenti



Riferimenti normativi - Formazione Iniziale degli Insegnanti
Carta dei servizi


FAQ - Come diventare Insegnante
FAQ - Percorsi di formazione iniziale insegnanti 60 cfu
FAQ - Percorso formativo per il SOSTEGNO