Preprojective algebras of tame hereditary algebras - Minicourse

Andrew Hubery - Bielefeld University

Mar 10, 2025 - Time: 15:00 Sala Riunioni

Monday, March 10,      15:00-15:45 
Wednesday, March 12, 17:00-17:45

Abstract: The category of regular representations for a tame hereditary algebra decomposes into tubes, say with indexing set X. Using the preprojective algebra we can endow X with the structure of a non-commutative curve, as shown by Baer, Geigle and Lenzing. We will discuss their construction and describe the connections between the geometry of the non-commutative curve, the ring-theoretic properties of the preprojective algebra, and the category of regular modules.

Data pubblicazione
Mar 7, 2025

Contact person
Lidia Angeleri
Computer Science