VPN Secure Remote Access

VPN allows registered university users to connect from any part of the world (through the Internet) to the internal university network (Intranet), via HTTPS (an encrypted and therefore secure connection). Remote users therefore have access to information and computer resources as if they were inside the university networked system. This is done by navigating through a special web page of clustered network equipment which acts as a link to the internal network, making local resources available remotely. Access is fast and simple, since it does not require the installation of any software on your computer. It is the quickest, safest way to access information from the internal network such as library materials, including databases and full-text periodicals.

This is service is available to all university users (staff, lecturers, researchers, students, etc.), accessed by logging in with your GIA credentials.


Riconfigurazione VPN Global Protect
Mappare un disco di rete in sessione VPN GlobalProtect
Accesso alle risorse dall’esterno della rete dell’Università di Verona - VPN