- Our Services
- User training
- Meneghetti user training
Meneghetti user training
The library staff organise courses on library services and how to use the most important biomedical and scientific databases (in particular, PubMed).
The structure and duration of the courses vary according to the needs and type of user. Topics may relate to:
- Bibliographic researches in biomedical and scientific databases
- UniVerSe search&read
- University collective catalogue (OPAC) and library services.
The structure and duration of the courses vary according to the needs and type of user. Topics may relate to:
- Bibliographic researches in biomedical and scientific databases
- UniVerSe search&read
- University collective catalogue (OPAC) and library services.
- Service managed by:
- E. Meneghetti central library - Medicine, Science and Technology
- elena.scanferla@univr.it info.meneghetti@ateneo.univr.it
- Phone
- 045-8027669; 045-8027642