Complete your questionnaire

In order to use this service you’ll need to log in using your username and password, the same used for logging in the Esse3 online services and laboratory activities. 

Student surveys and questionnaires 
Student surveys – or student evaluation questionnaires on teaching performance – are aimed at gathering the views of students in order to improve teaching and the organisation of study programmes, and it is part of the university evaluation system. 

What’s new? 
Starting from academic year 2014/15, student surveys are administered through a software aimed to make it easy for students to complete the questionnaires. In fact, the online software is now part of the student’s academic record (“Libretto dello studente”).  

Another major change is that the evaluation is now focused on the professor who teaches the module, or part of it. This important change means that if a module is split into various parts, students will need to complete as many questionnaires as the number of professors in each module.   

How does it work? 
In your online academic record an icon will appear next to each module when a questionnaire is available: red, yellow, or green icons show the completion status of the questionnaire. 
The red icon means that the questionnaire has not been completed; the yellow icon means that not all required questionnaires have been completed; if green, it means that your questionnaire has been submitted correctly. If no icons are displayed for the module in question, it means that you are not required to complete the questionnaire at the moment.  
By clicking on the icon, you’ll be redirected to the surveys summary page, displaying all questionnaires that must be completed for the module in question.  
The first field you’ll have to complete is the one concerning the declaration from attending/non-attending students. ‘Attending student’ (‘studenti frequentanti’ in Italian) stands for those who attend 50% of the total number of lectures, or above. If not, students will be considered as ‘non-attending’ (‘studenti non frequentanti’). After that, a series of mandatory questions are asked. It is important to know that once the questionnaire has been completed, this must be confirmed by clicking on ‘Confirm’ (‘Conferma’ in Italian). 

 ‘Do I have to complete the questionnaire?’ 
Yes, you will need to complete a questionnaire for each module. Questionnaires are mandatory for each module if you intend to register for the relevant exam. 

‘When should I complete the questionnaire?’ 
Compared to last year, when questionnaires could be completed starting from the opening of the exam session, with the new system starting from the second semester you will be able to start completing the questionnaire after 2/3 of the lectures have been taught. In this way, students will be able to express their views in an unbiased and responsible way, regardless of taking the exam. 
It’s anonymous 
Questionnaires’ results will be processed anonymously. You are required to log in in order to ensure you are not asked to complete the same questionnaire more than once. 


Should you experience any problems, please send an email to: 




Prontuario per la compilazione dei questionari tramite APP
The questionnaire
Riepilogo dei criteri di somministrazione e di reportistica dei questionari sull'opinione degli studenti
Slide per la presentazione in aula dei questionari sulla didattica alla componente studentesca