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- Student Career Management - Sciences and Engineering
- Erasmus - Science and Engineering
Erasmus - Science and Engineering
ServiziIt's online Erasmus + announcement a.y. 2024/2025
According to the Regulations for international student mobility of the School of Science and Engineering, the outgoing students must submit the Learning Agreement to the Didactic Committee of their degree course. Therefore, they must send a copy of the Learning Agreement to the Student Secretaries - Careers of the School of Science and Engineering (carriere.scienze@ateneo.univr.it) from their university account @studenti.univr.it at least 30 days before the departure. At the end of the exchange period, to start the procedure of recognition of the study periods, students must send to the same address the final Learning Agreement and the Transcript of Records.
Web page about internationalization opportunities.
For a navigable map of active agreements click here.
The texts of the agreements are available in the Science and Engineering Agreements section at this page.
- Service managed by:
- carriere.scienze@ateneo.univr.it
- Conversion table of foreign university grades
- Conversion table of foreign university grades - Molecular and medical biotecnology
- Regulation for recognition of abroad studies | Science and Engineering Area
EN | 1633Kb | 07/01/2025
Regolamento per il riconoscimento di periodi di studio all'estero - IT | 1543Kb | 07/01/2025
- Collegi di Biotecnologie, di Scienze e Tecnologie Viticole ed Enologiche, di ISPIA e di Molecular and Medical Biotechnology | Partner Erasmus
- Collegio di Informatica | Partner Erasmus+
3. A.A. 2024/2025 | Partner Erasmus+ - IT | 12162Kb | 27/02/2024
2. A.A. 2023/2024 | Contatti studenti - IT | 22Kb | 01/03/2024
1. A.A. 2023/2024 | Partner Erasmus+ - IT | 7409Kb | 27/02/2024
4. A.A. 2024/2025 | Contatti studenti - IT | 26Kb | 27/02/2024
- Collegio di Matematica e Data Science | Partner Erasmus+
- Collegio interateneo di Ingegneria dell'informazione
- Presentazione sedi partner ERASMUS+ Area di Scienze ed Ingegneria Ambito Biotecnologie / Biotechnology