Language Proficiency in the Master’s degree (third language CFUs F)– Foreign Languages and Literatures


Third Language LM38 

To fulfil the requirement of 6 CFUs F in the third Foreign Language, one must acquire at least 3 CFUs at the B1 level (or higher) in a language not previously studied during the Bachelor’s degree, as specified in Student Handbook. These CFUs F are assessed on a “satisfactory” classification rather than a grade. 


Third Language LM37 

To fulfil the 6 CFUs F (further activities) or CFUs D (free choice), you may acquire language proficiency in a language not previously studied during your Bachelor’s degree. These CFUs F are assessed on a “satisfactory” classification rather than a grade. 


Recognized language proficiency levels 

Language proficiency levels (B1, B2, C1, C2) are recognized in the Master's degree programme only if they have not already been credited in your Bachelor's degree. If during your Bachelor’s degree you obtained: 

  • Skills and competences equivalent to language proficiency through examin or tests 
  • Language proficiency itself 
  • A language certification issued by certifying bodies recognized by the Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research. 

You must achieve a higher level of language proficiency than that credited during your Bachelor’s programme. 

For further questions, you can apply through the Service desk.  

How to get a language certificate recognized and recorded in the Master's degree program  

  • For Certificates Obtained at the CLA: submit the certificate via Service desk to the Foreign Languages and Literatures Teaching and Student Services Office, specifying whether you intend to use it as part of CFU F (third language) or CFU D (free choice).  
  • For Certificates Obtained from External Certifying Bodies (e.g., Cervantes, Cambridge, Goethe): first, report to the CLA Testing Office to verify the certificate's equivalency. Then, submit the equivalency documentation via the Service Desk to the Foreign Languages and Literatures Teaching and Student Services Office, specifying whether it will count towards CFUs F (third language) or CFUs D (free choice). 
  • For Certificates in Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, or Portuguese (e.g., from the Confucius Institute, CELPE-Bras, CAPLE): Submit your certificate by May 15 or November 15 each year via the Service Desk to the Foreign Languages and Literatures Teaching and Student Services Office. Specify whether the certificate should count towards CFUs F (third language) or CFUs D (free choice). 

All applications will then be evaluated by the Commission for the Recognition of External Language Skills, which will then forward the recommendation to the Teaching Committee.

Refer to the Student Handbook (“Vademecum”) for details on the validity of language certificates. Submit the validation and recording of credits in the ESS3 system using the appropriate form available under “Documents.”