Computer Skills – Foreign Languages and Literatures


Computer Skills


The CFUs related to computer proficiency can be acquired at any point during the three-year degree programme and are not tied to the academic calendar. These credits are intended to develop specific skills that are valuable in the professional field. 

How to acquire computer skills 


CFUs F for computer skills can be earned in the following ways: 

  • E-learning self-study modules: completion of online modules designed for self-paced activities
  • Accredited courses: Participation in courses offered by schools and centres accredited by AICA (Italian Association for Computer Science and Automatic Computing) or recognized by the Province, Region, etc.

Transferring external certifications 

3 CFUs F in computer proficiency will be recognized for any type of certification (e.g., ECDL basic, ECDL standard, ECDL full, ICDL, ICDL full, etc.), provided the certification includes at least four ECDL-style modules. 

Please note:

  • Students in the Bachelor’s programme of Languages and Literature for Publishing and Digital Media (DH curriculum) will receive 3 CFUs D. 
  • The validity of certification is five from the date of issuance.
  • To have prior competence evaluated for credit transfer, students must submit an application using the appropriate form available in the “documenti” section. Application should be submitted via Help desk to Student Services for the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures by May 2 or by November 2 each year.
  • A special committee will review the documents for credit approval. ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) or other certificates issued by schools and centres must clearly outline the skills acquired and the number of hours required to obtain the certificate. 


Richiesta di riconoscimento crediti su certificazioni esterne di abilità/competenze informatiche