Transfer from another university

If you’re from another university and now intend to apply for a transfer to the University of Verona, you should follow the steps below:
  1. submit to your current university your application for transfer to the University of Verona in the ways established by your current university. At this stage you should also submit to your current university the notice of publication of the list of eligible students (graduatoria) to prove your status as a potential prospective student at the University of Verona.
  2. complete and submit your enrolment application on the ESSE3 student portal and select "Transfer from another university” (Trasferimento in ingresso) from the enrolment options available. Then enter the date of first enrolment in the Italian University System (i.e. the date when you first enrolled at any Italian University) and the academic year when you first enrolled at your current university. You will also need to attach a substitutive declaration of certification and/or affidavit (self-declaration) for the transfer, duly completed and signed; 
  3. pay the first instalment of student fees by the deadlines set out for your chosen degree programme (for Limited-entry degree programmes, these are to be found in the relevant Call for applications).     
  4. upon approval by your current university, your enrolment at the University of Verona will be effective: this will be notified to you by the University by email (confirmation email).
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Unit Postgraduate Study Unit
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Documenti Trasferimenti da altro Ateneo


FAQ trasferimenti da altro Ateneo