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Individual modules
ServiziIndividual modules
At the University of Verona, students may choose to attend one or more individual modules that are part of the various degree programmes of the University (both Bachelor’s and Master’s), for one academic year.
By enrolling in an individual module, you will be allowed to take the relevant exams, and obtain the corresponding certification and CFU/ECTS credits.
Unless otherwise specified in the regulations of each degree programme and depending on what is set out by each Teaching Committee involved, you can take individual modules for a maximum of 30 CFU/ECTS credits per academic year.
You can choose from the modules included in the degree programmes taught at the University, as set out in the relevant catalogue.
Please note that it is not possible to choose modules offered as part of the Single cycle/Combined Bachelor+Master’s degree programmes in Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, Primary teacher education, and Healthcare Professions courses.
No modules that are part of the first year of the Bachelor’s degree in Educational Sciences will be available as individual modules.
Please note that passing an admission test is necessary for those who wish to enrol in all modules in the Sports Sciences area, modules in the degree programmes in Biotechnology, Agrifood Biotechnology, Biotechnology for Bioresources and Ecosustainable Development, as well as some modules in the degree programmes in Viticulture and Oenological Sciences and Technology and Innovation and Sustainability in Industrial Food Production. These modules are listed in the catalogue as "Autorizzati con riserva" (conditionally approved), which means that, in order to enrol, it is necessary to send an application form to corsisingoli@ateneo.univr.it and wait for the instructions that will be provided.
Should you need any further information about the contents of each module, please contact the Teaching and Student Services Unit of the degree programme/s that include/s the individual module/s that you wish to attend.
Requirements to enrol in Individual modules
To enrol in an individual module that is part of a Bachelor’s degree, you must have an Italian high school diploma.
To enrol in an individual module that is part of a Master’s degree, you must hold either a Bachelor’s degree, a three-year university diploma, or a foreign qualification recognised as suitable.
Students holding a foreign qualification who wish to apply for individual modules will need to check with the Individual Modules Office whether their qualification is suitable.
Who it’s for
Prospective teachers
Graduates who study to become teachers can take individual modules after their graduation, if they need to enhance their cv in order to meet the entry requirements of specific open competitions for teachers (please go to the official website of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research to find out more about the SSD - Scientific-Disciplinary Sector for which CFU credits are required in each competition). For further information, please get in touch with the local administrative office for teachers (Ufficio Scolastico Regionale).
Please note: if you wish to enrol in a Postgraduate specialisation programme, you won’t need to enrol in individual modules. For information about admissions and deadlines, please get in touch with the Postgraduate Study and Teacher Training Office (Unità operativa Post Laurea e Formazione Insegnanti).
Graduates, and people intending to take part in open competitions
Graduates holding an Italian qualification awarded under Ministerial Decree no. 509/99 or 270/04 and Master's degree graduates alike may take individual modules after their graduation for training/professional updating purposes, or if they intend to take part in open competitions.
Students who need to take exams before enrolling in a degree programme
Those who have not passed an admission test, or have not enrolled in a degree programme in time, may choose to take one or more individual modules included in the degree programme in question, so as to have these recognised once they enrol.
Please note: the same limit of 30 CFU per academic year applies to this option, and only the modules approved for this purpose by each Teaching Committee can be selected. In any case, recognition of CFU credits shall be subject to specific validation procedures, in accordance with the teaching regulations of the module in the degree programme, also in relation to any prerequisites (if applicable).
Students wishing to enrol in a Master’s degree programme
Graduates who need to enhance their cv in order to meet the entry requirements for access to a Master’s degree programme can take individual modules after their Bachelor’s graduation.
Graduates are advised to check the number of CFU credits in the SSD - Scientific-disciplinary Sectors required for admission to their chosen degree programme. For further information, please contact the Teaching and Student Services Unit of the relevant Master’s degree programme.
How to apply for Individual modules
In order to apply, it is first necessary to identify the module of interest in the catalogo dei CORSI SINGOLI, checking whether it is approved or conditionally approved.
It is also necessary to carefully read the course fact sheet, in particular any possible attendance requirements, the syllabus, the lecture timetables and any specific useful information for those enrolled in Individual modules, generally set out in the section on ‘Assessment’.
-Approved modules-
This section is currently work in progress.
Conditionally approved modules
Conditionally approved modules are subject to availability and, in some cases may require candidates to pass a selection procedure. In order to enrol, it is necessary to send an application form to corsisingoli@ateneo.univr.it and wait for the instructions that will be provided.
Music therapy students at the DALL’ABACO Conservatoire in Verona who intend to apply for individual modules under the agreement between the University of Verona and the Dall'Abaco Conservatoire must send the relevant form to corsisingoli@ateneo.univr.it.
For further information on the organisational aspects of these modules, or about individual modules in general, please contact the Teaching and Student Services Unit of the degree programme that includes the module you have chosen.
Application deadlines
Applications for a.y. 2022/2023 are now closed.
Applications for a.y. 2023/2024 will be open from 4 September 2023.
As of September 2023, it is possible to enrol in individual modules from September to June (inclusive) of each academic year, by the end of the courses, with the exception of those requiring compulsory attendance. For the latter, enrolment must take place in time to meet the minimum attendance threshold. For modules in the Sports Science area, check the deadlines by writing to corsisingoli@ateneo.univr.it.
Enrolment in Individual modules lasts for one academic year and ends at the end of February of the year following the year of enrolment, unless the student specifically requests an earlier end date.
Semester start dates vary according to the degree programme. See section ‘Academic calendar’ on the relevant degree programme web page.
Tuition fees
Tuition fees vary depending on the total number of CFU credits for the individual modules you’re applying for, and shall be paid - once the pre-enrolment procedure is complete - as follows:
up to 12 CFU: € 300;
from 13 to 24 CFU: € 400;
from 25 to 30 CFU: € 700.
The stamp duty of € 16,00 is also to be paid, which is paid electronically together with the enrolment fee.
Students with a disability or an invalidity may benefit from the reductions or exemptions set out in the University’s regulations on student fees (Regolamento in materia di contribuzione studentesca) by submitting their request to the Inclusion and Accessibility unit (“U.O. Inclusione”) by the methods indicated at: https://www.univr.it/it/i-nostri-servizi/inclusione-e-accessibilita-supporto-a-studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/agevolazioni-economiche (before making the payment).
NON-EU Students residing abroad and/or holding a foreign qualification
NON-EU Students residing abroad before proceeding with the enrolment must follow the procedures indicated on the International web page and the relevant regulations established by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (Ministero dell'Universita e della Ricerca).
Students holding a foreign qualification who wish to apply for individual modules will need to check with the Individual Modules Office whether their qualification is suitable, by sending to corsisingoli@ateneo.univr.it the following documents:
• a Declaration of value (i.e. a document, which must be officially translated into Italian, certifying that the applicant has completed at least 12 years of schooling);
• a legalisation certificate; a certificate proving that the applicant has passed an examination for entry to university studies (if applicable).
Alternatively, a certificate of comparability (in place of the Declaration of Value) and a certificate of verification (in place of the legalisation certificate) can be requested from Cimea. Only after verification of the validity of the certificate will it be possible to pay the relevant enrolment fees.
Register for a module exam
You will be able to take a module exam only once all the module lectures have been delivered, regardless of the date of your enrolment. In order to register for exams at the end of the module, you will need to log into the Esse3 student career management system. Please note: you will only be able to log into the system once you are regularly enrolled, and paid the relevant tuition fees.
Your exams will be displayed on your ‘pannello di controllo’ (dashboard). If these are not automatically displayed, you can use the search bar you’ll find on your Exams dashboard (Bacheca Appelli d'esame).
PLEASE NOTE: you will be allowed to register for an exam only if the exam session is open (for each module the date of opening/closing of the session will be displayed). Once your exam registration is complete, you will be displayed a confirmation message.
Withdrawing from studies
Enrolled students wishing to withdraw from their studies must:
1. send their request for withdrawing from studies by e-mail to: corsisingoli@ateneo.univr.it; pay the €16 stamp duty online via Pago PA, by logging into their personal area in Esse3 and completing the necessary procedures;
2. fill out, sign and submit the relevant form (modulo), also attaching the receipt of the ‘stamp duty’ payment, to: ufficio.protocollo@pec.univr.it;
3. wait for confirmation e-mail from the University.
Students who have submitted the application to enrol in an Individual module but have not yet paid the relevant fees, may send their request for withdrawing from studies by e-mail to: corsisingoli@ateneo.univr.it.
Students who withdraw from their studies once the relevant teaching and learning activities have begun may not request a refund of the corresponding enrolment fee.
Certificates must be requested as specified in the dedicated webpage.
- Head
- Paola Tognolo
- People
- Service managed by:
- corsisingoli@ateneo.univr.it
- - Domanda di iscrizione ai singoli insegnamenti autorizzati con riserva
Le iscrizioni agli insegnamenti "autorizzati con riserva" sono subordinate ad una procedura di ammissione. Per richiedere l'iscrizione è necessario inoltrare il modulo a corsisingoli@ateneo.univr.it e attendere la relativa valutazione della richiesta.
- Modulo iscrizione a singoli insegnamenti per gli studenti degli Istituti Teologici
- Modulo per autodichiarazione possesso titolo di laurea triennale
Compila l'autodichiarazione del possesso di un titolo di laurea triennale se intendi scegliere insegnamenti offerti nei corsi di laurea magistrale.
- Modulo Rinuncia iscrizione corsi singoli
- Guida per l'iscrizione ai corsi singoli autorizzati 2024
Guida generica che indica a titolo esemplificativo le operazioni da seguire durante la procedura di preiscrizione on line, le maschere da compilare e i documenti da allegare. L'indicazione dell'Anno accademico 2023 resta solo un esempio, ma durante la procedura on line è valido l'anno in cui gli studenti si immatricolano.
- Students who have obtained an Italian high school diploma (or equivalent foreign qualification) can apply for individual modules. For master's degrees' single modules a bachelor degree (or equivalent) is required. People who have a foreign qualifications/degrees need to receive the validation by the Single modules office.
- Individual modules can be useful for those who need CFU/ECTS credits in order to satisfy requirements for teaching or other public competitions; students who are applying for a Master’s degree and need to enhance their academic cv in order to meet the relevant entry requirements; students who intend to complete their degree programme in a shorter time. Individual modules may also be useful for vocational training purposes.
- It is not possible to enrol in individual modules that are part of the Single cycle/Combined Bachelor+Master’s degree programmes in Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, Health Care professions, Primary teacher education, and Healthcare Professions courses. No modules that are part of the first year of the Bachelor’s degree in Educational Sciences will be available as individual modules. Please note that internships and CLA exams cannot be taken as individual modules. If you need to attend courses at CLA please go to: Cla
- It is possible to earn up to 30 CFU/ECTS per academic year, unless otherwise specified in the teaching regulations of the degree programme, or by specific resolution of the relevant Teaching Committee.
- No, all requests must be first approved by the Teaching Committee .
- On the Catalogo dei CORSI SINGOLI you’ll find all individual modules and the relevant exams.
- You will be enrolled for one year. You can take exams until the end of February in the academic year which follows your year of enrolment. Once you have taken all of your exams you will need to return your badge to the Individual Modules Office, which will provide you with a certificate with the exams you have taken, and the corresponding marks, and CFU/ECTS credits.
- Please read carefully the individual modules web page (specifically the section “How to apply for individual modules”), where you can find all the information regarding the enrolment procedures. Read the GUIDA PER L'ISCRIZIONE AI CORSI SINGOLI AUTORIZZATI.
- No. Unfortunately you can’t register for individual modules if you’re enrolled in a degree programme at the University of Verona.
- Yes. You will be allowed to retake the exam during the session of the academic year in which you registered for that specific individual module.
- In that case, you wont'be able neither to use the online services nor to take the exam.
- Please carefully read, and abide by, the teaching regulations of each module, in which you will find further information and details on attendance requirements, exam sessions, and prerequisites. If in doubt, please contact the lecturer in question.
- si..
- Please contact the student administration office of the relevant degree programme for further information on the recognition of prior learning with regard to individual modules. Here are the contact information: https://www.univr.it/en/our-services/-/servizi/student-secretary-s-office-services
- Yes, you can request a partial certificate before the end of the academic year if needed. Once you have taken and passed your exam/s please contact the Individual Modules Office at: corsisingoli@ateneo.univr.it
- Once the enrolment procedure is complete, you will receive a confirmation email with the instructions for payment.
- Yes, you only can apply for a conditional enrolment if you are getting the degree at University of Verona. In this case, your enrolment will be completed only after graduation. Until the enrolment is completed you are not allowed to take the exam. If you are getting the degree in another University, this rule is not applicable.
- students with proven disabilities pursuant to Art. 3(1; 3) of Law no. 104/1992, or with a disability rating equal to or greater than 66% are exempt from paying student fees. For more informations: https://www.univr.it/it/i-nostri-servizi/inclusione-e-accessibilita-supporto-a-studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/agevolazioni-economiche.
- Please contact the Prospective Teachers office.