- Our Services
- Opportunities abroad for students and staff
- Erasmus+ Study
Erasmus+ Study
ServiziErasmus+ study Programme
International mobility in countries participating in the Erasmus+ Programme offered to Univr students who intend to spend a semester in a European partner University.
Universities in which the mobility can be spent
Consult the map of international agreements and the lists divided by study area. Information sheets for each individual foreign partner university of the University of Verona are available.
How the Erasmus mobility period works
Univr full-time students up to date with the payment of fees will be able to carry out a period of mobility at a foreign partner university, perform academic activities (lessons, exams, etc.) and obtain recognition of the study period abroad and credits acquired.
No payment of enrollment fees at the Host University will be required; however, some universities may require the payment of additional contributions to cover insurance costs, public transport agreements, teaching materials, etc. (applying identical treatment to local students).
Language certifications required to participate
Each foreign university require a specific type of certificate / level. Detailed information is available in the fact sheets (see map of international agreements)
Amount of the mobility grant
Grants are considered as a contribution for mobility costs (travel, accommodation, different costs of living) and vary depending on the country of destination and the ISEE range.
How to participate
A call is published every year in January/February.
Specific services for each area of study:
- Service managed by:
- Linee guida Esse3 per la mobilità Erasmus+ 2024/2025
Linee guida Esse3 per la mobilità Erasmus+ 2024/2025
- Modulo per la Rinuncia alla borsa di mobilità Erasmus+ 2024/2025
Modulo di rinuncia alla mobilità Erasmus da inviare tramite Service desk/Help desk
- Modulo per la richiesta di Prolungamento della mobilità Erasmus+ 2024/2025
Modulo di prolungamento della mobilità Erasmus da inviare tramite Service desk/Help desk insieme alla copia del Learning Agreement "changes during the mobility"
- INFO DAY straordinario per gli assegnatari di borsa Erasmus+ Studio - 20 novembre 2024
- INFO DAY per gli assegnatari di borsa Erasmus+ per studio - Area Giuridica, Area Lingue e Area Umanistica
Link alla presentazione e slides per assegnatari Erasmus+ per studio 2024/2025
- INFO DAY per gli assegnatari di borsa Erasmus+ per studio - Area Medica e Area Sanitaria
Link alla presentazione e slides per assegnatari Erasmus+ per studio 2024/2025
- INFO DAY per gli assegnatari di borsa Erasmus+ per studio - Area Scienze Motorie
Link alla presentazione e slides per assegnatari Erasmus+ per studio 2024/2025
- INFO DAY per gli assegnatari di borsa Erasmus+ per studio - Area Scienze e Ingegneria
Link alla presentazione e slides per assegnatari Erasmus+ per studio 2024/2025
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INFO DAY 24_25 assignees - EN | 1189Kb | 20/06/2024
INFO DAY 24_25 assegnatari - IT | 1538Kb | 20/06/2024
- Also "Housing form", requested by the Host University to those students who are looking for accommodation during their mobility period. Please respect deadlines and procedures to submit the form (online, e-mail etc…)
- Certificate of the previous academic career: Host University may ask for this document together with the Application Form. Please refer to the Student's office of your Study Course and ask for a Certificate of your academic career, including exams, in English language (stamp may be required). To certify the 1st cycle career already completed (= Laurea Triennale), please contact the Diploma Office and ask for the Diploma Supplement.
- A form required by the Host University to be completed by exchange students. Please check and respect the deadlines and procedures to submit the application (online, e-mail, by post etc…)
- A document issued upon request by the International Office to certify the status of "exchange student" in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.
- Certificate of Stay completed and signed by the Host University together with the Transcript of Records. Both documents must contain the dates corresponding to the actual start and end of the academic activity (lessons / exams / any language courses / internships)
- A mixed type of mobility, partly in the Home Country (virtual mobility) and partly in the Host Country (physical mobility).
- A four digit number to identify the field of study stated in the bilateral agreement with each Partner University
- Institutional code to identify each University participating to the Erasmus+ Programme.
University of Verona = I VERONA01
- Mandatory document to be signed before the mobility by each outgoing student and the Univr Legal Representative (Rector) containing the financial information about the grant.
- A professor at Univr coordinating the exchanges activities with each Erasmus Partner University (see map of international agreements).
- A professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures who approves the academic activities abroad (See Erasmus Regulations of the Department).
- A professor officially nominated by the Department/School for international mobility and activities, including the Erasmus Programme.
- Your email at the University of Verona made of your Univr ID and @studenti.univr.it (or: name.surname@studenti.univr.it) International Office will communicate with students by means of this institutional address.
IMPORTANT: students have to reply by using Service Desk.
- Study plan containing the activities abroad. See detailed procedures in the Esse3 Guidelines for Erasmus+ study mobility.
- The International Office staff send the names and data of the selected students (= Outgoing students) to the host universities (Nomination).
- Mandatory Survey to be completed by outgoing students at the end of their mobility abroad. The survey is online and it is managed by the European Commission on the "Beneficiary Module" platform.
- Extension of the mobility in order to stay abroad longer than the scheduled period stated in the financial contract.
- Also "Host Institution". The Partner University abroad where outgoing students spend their mobility period.
- A certificate of the academic activities (corresponding to the LA section "After the Mobility"), containing activities completed abroad, released by the Host University after the conclusion of the mobility period.
- In the framework of the international mobility at Univr (such as Erasmus+ study Programme):
"internship" (= tirocinio) is a compulsory activity scheduled in the study plan of some Study Courses (i.e. Education / Healthcare);
"stage" is intended as a training activity in a company / organization as an alternative to other planned study activities.