- Our Services
- Medicine and Surgery
- International Incoming students (Medicine)
- International mobility tutoring - Medicine
International mobility tutoring - Medicine
ServiziWe are pleased to welcome you to our University!
First of all, we need to know which kind of mobility program you are asking for to organize your stay better:
- Erasmus+ for study and Worldwide Study: After the nomination from your University, you must write your Learning Agreement, filling it out with the lectures, exams, and internships you want to attend here. At the bottom of the page, you will find the Guideline to L.A. Erasmus+ for studies – Incoming students that will help you with this job. If you need help, email us, and we will help you with any doubt.
- Erasmus+ Traineeship: after the nomination from your University, you need to fill in the form at this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=kTYadtrcCEC7g7fSmIJko8_YNyKjmTNHg8G8fxR4erhUMUsyRkNQMlhKT0wzUDhXQ0hVTTYzQ0VMWi4u. Once you filled the form, you have to wait for us to email you with the acceptance of the request. The following steps are written in the document below Vademecum 2024/25 for NON-Erasmus+ studio Medicine students.
- Visiting Students: you need to fill out the form at this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=kTYadtrcCEC7g7fSmIJko8_YNyKjmTNHg8G8fxR4erhUMUsyRkNQMlhKT0wzUDhXQ0hVTTYzQ0VMWi4u. Once you filled the form, you have to wait for us to email you with the acceptance of the request. The following steps are written in the document below Vademecum 2024/25 for NON-Erasmus+ studio Medicine students.
If you have any questions, you can email us at mobilita.medicina@ateneo.univr.it in any time, and we will be pleased to help you.
Due to the very high affluence of Visiting and Traineeship students this year, we cannot accept other applications for the 2024-2025 academic year. We will be happy to welcome you from October 2025.
March (9-12): 5, 11, 12, 13
- Service managed by:
- mobilita.medicina@ateneo.univr.it
Informazioni e documenti utili
- Compiling Learning Agreement
- Informazioni Erasmus+ per studenti di Medicina e Chirurgia
La procedura di approvazione del Learning Agreement è valida per gli Erasmus in partenza nell'a.a. 2024/25
Informazioni Erasmus+ Medicina - IT | 709Kb | 20/02/2025
Procedura approvazione Learning Agreement - IT | 378Kb | 20/02/2025
- Vademecum for NON Erasmus+ studio students (Medicine)