Simultaneous enrolment in two degree programmes


Following the introduction of Law no. 33 of 12 April 2022Disposizioni in materia di iscrizione contemporanea’ and Ministerial Decree no. 930 of 29 July 2022, it is now possible to enrol in two University programmes at the same time. 

Enrolling in two different programmes at the same time

It is possible to enrol simultaneously in:

  • two different degree programmes (i.e. Bachelor's or Master's degree programmes), as long as they belong to different degree classes and differ in at least two-thirds of their educational activities;
  • a Bachelor’s/Master's degree programme and a Professional Master’s programme, PhD or postgraduate specialisation programme, with the exception of medical specialisation courses;
  • a PhD programme or Master's degree programme and a medical postgraduate specialisation programme;
  • a PhD programme or Master's degree programme and a non-medical postgraduate specialisation programme;
  • two Professional Master’s programmes at the same time, provided that the programmes in question are different.

Simultaneous enrolment in two degree programmes with compulsory attendance is not permitted, except for those courses for which attendance requirements are only in place for laboratory and internship activities. Exceptions are also made for the simultaneous enrolment in a Professional Master's programme and a specialisation/PhD programme, or for being enrolled in a PhD and specialisation programme at the same time: in these cases, the decision to grant the possibility of simultaneous enrolment shall be taken by the relevant University bodies, which will verify that the conditions for the acquisition of the knowledge and skills required to achieve the educational objectives of each course are met.

For degree programmes with admissions managed at the national level, simultaneous enrolment, within the above-mentioned limits, at the University of Verona, shall be allowed subject to the decree referred to in Article 4, paragraph 2 of Law no. 33/2022.

Please note: in order to be eligible for simultaneous enrolment, you must be regularly enrolled (and have paid all your student fees) in both courses.

How to enrol in a second university programme

Students wishing to enrol in a second university programme must submit the self-declaration required by Art. 6 of Ministerial Decree no. 930/2022 of the Ministry of University and Research at the time of enrolling at both universities.

To this end, in the online enrolment procedure, you will need to:

  1. select ‘yes’ under 'Carriera legata a contemporanea iscrizione come previsto dal DM 930 del 29 luglio 2022’ on the ‘Enrolment’ web page;
  2. complete all subsequent fields as required by the procedure, carefully reading the notes in each field;
  3. upload, in the last step of the procedure, the Study Plan of the programme in which you are already enrolled (if the other programme is delivered by another University).

Students already enrolled at the University of Verona who are simultaneously enrolling in another programme (regardless of the University delivering the course) must fill in the declaration by logging into their personal area in ESSE3 as follows: Segreteria > Dichiarazioni aggiuntive > then select ‘Carriera legata a contemporanea iscrizione come previsto dal DM 930 del 29 luglio 2022’ > in the ‘Actions’ column select the ‘edit’ icon and then fill out all the required fields.

The declaration must be completed and submitted for both programmes and for each year of simultaneous enrolment.

If one of the two programmes is delivered by another university, it is necessary to submit a self-declaration as indicated by the relevant university.

Student fees and benefits for students enrolled in two different programmes

Everything concerning student fees and benefits will depend on the programme included in the self-declaration by the student (i.e. they will choose which of the two programmes to follow in this regard).


Students who are simultaneously enrolled in more than one programme who have chosen the  the University of Verona as their main University shall be granted a 20% increase on the standard scholarship.

In order to obtain the increase pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 1320/2021, Art. 6, paragraph 3, students will need to:

  • maintain, for both programmes, the necessary merit requirements;
  • communicate simultaneous enrolment and the wish to indicate the University of Verona as the ‘main University’ to the Scholarships and Grants Office (U.O. Diritto allo studio) by writing to: by 15 October.

Please note: students enrolled in a programme from the second year onwards may not include the second course for the purposes of the scholarships, if they have already benefited from a scholarship for their first enrolment.

Student Fees

Students who are simultaneously enrolled in more than one programme will need to pay student fees for each programme they are enrolled in. This is without prejudice to the exemption from payment of the all-inclusive annual contribution, which applies to both enrolments if the relevant requirements are met.

In the case of two enrolments at the University of Verona or at different universities located in the Veneto region, the regional tax is due only once for each academic year.

Further information on student fees and benefits is available on the Scholarships and Grants web pages.

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