Auxiliary aids and services when taking an admission test

When taking an admission test for a limited-entry degree programme, candidates with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities can request the necessary assistive technologies, depending on their needs, as well as extra time for completing their test.
Candidates with disabilities are entitled to:
  • +50% extra time when taking their test, but only if they apply for it;
  • specific auxiliary aids and services depending on their medical condition.
Candidates with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities are entitled to:
  • +30% extra time when taking their test, no specific applications needed;
  • specific auxiliary aids and services, e.g. non-scientific calculators, screen magnifiers, and one-to-one support from a study assistant of the University.   
In any case, the following tools are not allowed: dictionaries; notes; periodic tables of elements; concept maps; personal computer/tablet/smartphone, smartwatch or similar devices.
Certifications needed to apply for auxiliary aids and services
  • Certificates of invalidity and/or serious disability pursuant to Law no. 104/1992 must be submitted by email together with the relevant application form (which must contain the student's declaration that the copies attached are identical to the original documents);
  • Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities diagnosis certificates issued pursuant to Law no. 170/2010: these must be issued within the last three years, or after the applicant has turned eighteen, and must have been issued by a body of the Italian National Health System, or by institutes and/or specialists accredited by the Italian National Health System.
The documents submitted will be kept by the University of Verona in compliance with the relevant personal data regulations.


Adattamenti delle prove per studenti con disabilità o DSA