Preparation of the study plan - Foreign Languages and Literatures

Important notice. Due to a technical issue, the selected languages did not load into the syllabus. The problem has already been reported to the IT support team of the career management software provider, and a solution is currently being awaited.

How to prepare the study plan 

The study plan is prepared through an online procedure; students select the courses they intend to take as part of their degree programme. This process involved choosing courses according to specific parameters (mandatory courses are pre-established and not modifiable by the student; elective courses; and further educational activities chosen by the student). All the selected courses will appear in the student’s online booklet (“libretto”). 

Is it mandatory to fill out the plan? 

Yes, it is mandatory: 

  • To enrol in exams: it is mandatory, as it is possible to register ONLY for the exam sessions of the courses in your study plan. 

  • To access e-learning platforms: it is mandatory, as it is only possible to register for activities listed in the online booklet, depending on the lecturer’s access policy. For more details on e-learning: see “services to teaching” in MyUnivr

Please note: Some teaching activities cannot be independently added to your study the plan (e.g., exams outside the study plan). For these activities, you must submit a request via Help desk to the Foreign Languages and Literatures Teaching and Student Services Office, using the appropriate form available below. 

TIMELINE FOR THE STUDY PLAN – Academic Year 2024-25  

Students enrolled in a course of study under Ministerial Decree 270/04 must fill out their online study plan exclusively between September 16, 2024, and June 30, 2025. 


Please note: The study plan for the academic year 2023-24  can be completed between Sept. 18, 2023, and June 30, 2024. For further assistance, please contact the Help desk

if you have login issue using your credentials, please visit the Password and Credential Management page for detailed instructions on retrieving your username and/or password. 
