International qualifications


International qualifications: how to apply for recognition

International students holding a foreign qualification may apply for recognition by submitting a richiesta di equipollenza’ (Application for Equivalence).

Before submitting your request for recognition, please consult the CIMEA website and book a telephone appointment or a call with our Admissions office for more information on the recognition procedure.

You can book your appointment here (link active from 7 January).

Applications for recognition may be submitted from 7 January to 28 February each year.

Please note this application is for study purposes only: recognition of foreign academic qualifications for other purposes (e.g. participation in public competitions or access to regulated professions) must be requested from other State administrations.

Apply for recognition of a foreign academic qualification

The Application for Equivalence must be submitted to the International Student Desk with a €16 stamp duty, attaching the required documentation.

List of documents for requesting recognition of the foreign qualification. 

Documents must be delivered to the International Student Desk by appointment:

  1. Application for recognition of foreign qualifications - to the kind attention of the Rector (‘Magnifico Rettore’);
  2. Final foreign secondary school qualification in original;
  3. Foreign academic qualification in original;
  4. Transcript of records or Diploma Supplement;
  5. Programme of examinations taken in original;
  6. Copy of an identity document;
  7. A signed passport photo;
  8. A €16 stamp duty;
  9. Receipt for payment of the €100 administrative fee. 

International protection holders 

International protection holders may apply for a Declaration of Value at: Ufficio IV della Direzione Generale per la Diplomazia Pubblica e Culturale (DGDP). 



This service is available by appointment only.

You can book an appointment here (link active from 7 January).

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Recognition of foreign academic qualification