- Our Services
- Exchange Students
Exchange Students
ServiziInformation for Incoming Exchange Students at the University of Verona
If you are an exchange student and you wish to spend a study period in Italy, you can come to the University of Verona!
Useful Links
Fact Sheet: important procedures and necessary documents for exchange mobility
Course catalogue: courses offered to incoming exchange students
Italian Language: courses offered at the Languages Centre (CLA)
ESU di Verona
Erasmus Student Network ASE Verona
International Students Union
Erasmus+ APP
Fall Semester / Academic Year: from 1 April to 1 June
Spring Semester: from 1 September to 1 November
Once nominated by their Home Institutions students will receive a personal link in order to fill in the Application Form online to register as exchange students. Application deadlines:
Fall Semester / Academic Year: 15 June
Spring Semester: 15 November
ECTS - European Credit Transfer System
In accordance with the national grading system, the University of Verona grades are based on a 30-point scale from 18/30 (lowest) to 30/30 (highest), plus 30/30 cum laude. The University of Verona participates to the Egracons Project (Grade Conversion System Tool). Alternatively, former conversion tables are available here.
Specific correlation table for Incoming Erasmus Students who achieve language certificates have been created by the Languages Centre (CLA): Italian Language and Other Languages
Orientation Day
Orientation Day for students arriving in the spring semester the Orientation Day will take place on February 13th 2025 h 10 am (Room T1 Polo Didattico Giorgio Zanotto). The International Office presentation will be registered: registration will be available online in the following days.
DESK 7 - ROOM T25B (GROUND FLOOR) - International Office, Via S. Francesco 22, Chiostro S. Francesco, Verona. FRONT OFFICE INCOMING STUDENTS: ONLY BY APPOINTMENT.
Phone opening times: Monday to Friday 9 am - 1 pm (+39 045 802 8358 - 8286)
- People
- Service managed by:
- relazioni.internazionali@ateneo.univr.it
- Phone
- +39 045 802 8358-8286
- FACT SHEET of the University of Verona
Information for Incoming Exchange Students a.y. 2024/2025
- University Campus Map
International Office is located in "Veronetta" (pag. 2, n. 4), Via S. Francesco 22, Stairs A, First Floor
Grade Conversion System
To convert marks reported on Transcript of Records, please note that University of Verona has been using the EGRACONS tool since a.y. 2015/2016.
LOGIN: https://tool.egracons.eu/index
- ECTS Grading Scales
The Institutional grading system, according to the national system, is organised in 30 points, from 18/30 minimum up to 30/30 maximum ("30/30 cum laude" in case of excellent results).
- Correlation table for Incoming Erasmus Students who achieve language certificates (CLA)
Correlation table ECTS/language levels
IMPORTANT: Certificates of proficiency issued by the Languages Centre (CLA) do not result in the Transcript of Records.
IMPORTANT: Laboratorio intercomprensione Lingue Romanze has the code 4S007056, corresponds to 3 ECTS (60 hours).
Please note that housing requests are more than available places, therefore accommodation is not guaranteed.
ESU Residences:
- low cost sharing rooms for 2 or 3 people
- warning: limited places available!
- Students selected will be notified by e-mail from ESU after the deadline
ESU Residence Request Form (deadline: 15.11.2024): https://limesurvey.univr.it/index.php/897414?lang=en
Important: before filling this form please make sure you have completed your Application Form as an exchange student at the University of Verona!
Private flats in Verona:
International Students Union - ISU: studentsaccommodation.it/
Places available will be online starting from 28.11.2024
- Tandem@CLA
Improve your language skills and cultural knowledge of a foreign language
- ASE ESN Verona
ASE-ESN Verona has 20 years of experience welcoming Erasmus and international exchange students coming to Verona to spend a study or training period.
See the official website >> LINK >>
- University Sports Centre (CUS)
Sports for students and staff in Verona
- University Choir
Website of the University Choir
- University web radio
FuoriAulaNetwork - University web radio
- Univr magazine
The University of Verona official magazine