PhD Unit
- Organisation
- Research Office
- PhD Unit
This unit is responsible for:
- Providing support to the PhD Schools and PhD programmes.
- Managing PhD grants and scholarships.
- Managing application rounds and the academic pathway of PhD students.
- Managing internationalisation agreements for PhD programmes.
- Managing research scholarships.
Opening hours
Orario di apertura al pubblico: Lunedi, Mercoledì e Venerdi dalle ore 10:00 alle ore 13:00
Opening times: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to 1 pm
- Head
- Sara Avigni
- Address
- Via San Francesco, 22 - 37129 Verona
- Phone
- +39 045802 8078 | 8134
Anna Emilia Maria De Salvo
Internazionalizzazione e Cooperazione allo Sviluppo
045 8028591
Alessandro Marogna
Referente supporto tecnico dottorati di ricerca
+39 045 802 8715