Marco Rospocher

Informazioni di contatto

Palazzo di Lingue, Room 1.12, Floor1
+39 045802 8326
Profile page
  • CV (EN) ( EN | 374Kb | 2024-11-07 )
  • CV (IT) ( IT | 376Kb | 2024-11-07 )



Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Extraction, Semantic Web, Knowledge Representation and Automatic Reasoning, Natural Language Processing, Humanities Computing, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Methodologies and Tools for Collaborative Knowledge Acquisition, Computational Complexity, Graph Theory, Optimization Combinatorics



Palazzo di Lingue, First Floor, Room Number 1.12




I reply to students' emails only if they are sent from the UniVR institutional account.



Starting from December 2, 2024, office hours will primarily be held via Zoom (, unless otherwise agreed upon with the professor. Booking is mandatory and must be requested by email to the professor by 1:00 PM on the working day prior to the indicated office hours date. Please check the announcements for any updates or changes.



Exam dates will be published on the Moodle page of the corresponding course as soon as they are defined in the university calendar. There's no need to contact the teacher to ask for them.



At the following link you can find the guidelines for the drafting the bachelor and master thesis under my supervision:



Anyone wishing to ask for my availability as academic tutor for an internship is asked to follow these indications before contacting me:

  • the internship must have a formative value and be congruent with the study plan (and the curriculum) to which the student is enrolled, and with the specific professional vocations of the same. The congruence must clearly emerge in the sections "training and orientation objectives" and "activities covered by the internship" of the training project of the internship
  • when requesting availability, the training project must also be sent, complete in all its parts and already signed by the student and the hosting company
  • the recognition of credits is subject to the positive evaluation of the internship experience by the company

Other information

Roles in university bodies
  • Member of Teaching Committee for Foreign Languages and Literatures
  • componente Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato in Letterature Straniere, Lingue e Linguistica A.A. 2020/2021
  • associato Consiglio del Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere
  • Member of Commissione Ricerca
  • componente Faculty Board of PhD in Computer Science


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2021/2022 Laurea in Lingue e letterature per l'editoria e i media digitali [L-11] Programming Languages for the Humanities Pagina moodle per {ins.nomeins}
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