Giuseppe Favretto

Giuseppe Favretto

Manager Department of Management

Informazioni di contatto

Palazzo di Lettere, Room T08, FloorT Palazzo di Lingue, Room S.17, FloorSeminterrato
+39 045 802 8749 - 8748
Profile page


Giuseppe Favretto is Full Professor of Organization and human resource management. He is founder and director of research centres; Assessment Centre; Youth Entrepreneurial Centre; Mobbing and Organizational Wellbeing Research Center.
Research fields: Organizational Behavior; Behavioral Economics; Entrepreneurial Potential and Orientation; Organizational well-being and Ergonomics; Artificial Intelligent and Robot.
Publication areas: Entrepreneurship; Organizational Behaviour; Organizational Well-being, Stress, and Mobbing; Family Business.
Among the Third Mission, he has been invited at Europe Direct Provincia di Verona/European Parlament-Information Office Milano: Regional Discussion Forum 2017 (Verona, 2017), and Veneto Region: General States of Economy and Labor (Venezia, 2012).

Other information

Roles in university bodies
  • componente Council for the Degree Course in Social Services
  • Member of Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento per Magistrati in metodologie valutative e decisionali nella separazione coniugale
  • Member of Teaching staff council for the doctorate in Education and Training Sciences
  • Member of Personale Docente del Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale
  • componente Comitato Scientifico del Corso di aggiornamento professionale in Nuovi modelli organizzativi e tecnologici per lo smart working


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