Tools for research and consultation


Collection of tools for accessing documents and electronic resources available to the University of Verona or locating monographies and periodicals present in the university.


You can search data banks and access the full text of online magazines and e-books from any workstation outside the university network through the VPN service.  This is managed by the university IT service and allows authorised users to be recognised as belonging to the university network from any workstation they access.

Service managed by:
Head Office University Library System Library Electronic Services
Arturo Frinzi central library
E. Meneghetti central library - Medicine, Science and Technology


Accesso alle risorse dall’esterno della rete dell’Università di Verona - VPN
Universe - dichiarazione di accessibilità
Accesso alle risorse con IDEM GARR
Linee guida generali sulle condizioni d’uso delle risorse elettroniche