Silvia Majori
Informazioni di contatto
- Office
- Istituti Biologici Blocco B Ala NUOVA , FloorII
- Phone
- +39 045 8027653
- curriculum vitae ( IT | 660Kb | 2021-02-17 )
- CV Silvia Majori English ( EN | 630Kb | 2021-02-18 )
Office hours
Ricevimento: martedì ore 9:30_10:30 e in qualsiasi altro momento previo accordo telefonico o mail (
Reception: Tuesday 9: 30_10: 30 and at any other time by telephone or email agreement (
Degree in medicine and surgery.Specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine.
Full Professor - Hygiene and Preventive Medicine (MED 42)
Professor at the University of Verona - School of Medicine (former Faculty of Medicine and Surgery) - Department of Diagnostics and Public Health - Section of Hygiene and Preventive Environmental and Occupational Medicine
He deals with epidemiology and prevention of: abuse of doping and exciting substances; psychological and psychiatric distress; HPV infection; domestic poisoning and poisoning; Domestic violence; TB epidemiology; migration.
He collaborates with multi-center national groups on vaccine and vaccination topics.
Other information
Roles in university bodies- Member of Council for the Degree Course in Physiotherapy
- Member of Comitato Scientifico del Master in Igiene dentale e prevenzione delle patologie orali in età evolutiva (I livello)
- Member of Comitato scientifico del Master Universitario in Igiene dentale e prevenzione delle patologie orali in odontostomatologia pediatrica