- Planning and management of outbound student mobilities.
- Planning and management of incoming Erasmus student mobilities.
- Managing the Welcome Office.
- Drafting agreements within European programmes (e.g. LLP and Erasmus Mundus)
- Helping academic departments participate in international mobilities promoted by Ministries, companies and public and private organisations.
- Managing internal mobility application rounds for professors and researchers.
Contact numbers (monday, wednesday, friday, from 9 am to 1 pm)
- Erasmus+ for Studies: +39 045 8028004
- Erasmus+ for Traineeship: +39 045 8028530
- Erasmus+ Staff Mobility: +39 045 8028196
- Erasmus+ incoming: +39 045 8028358
- Short Term Mobility: +39 045 8028596
- Worldwide Study: +39 045 8028196
E-mail contacts & ticketing:
- UNIVR Staff & external users: relazioni.internazionali@ateneo.univr.it
- UNIVR Students: http://www.univr.it/helpdesk