Planning, Organisation, Evaluation and Development Unit
- Organisation
- Human Resources
- Human Resources Planning and Development Group
- Planning, Organisation, Evaluation and Development Unit
This unit is responsible for:
- Managing planning procedures for university staff, including simulating scenarios to understand the financial impact of these decisions.
- Managing and monitoring “staff points” and checking the limits for staff expansion.
- Analysing and monitoring the cost of staff, defining the allocations for the university budget.
- Preparing reports on the staff workforce.
- Carrying out organisational planning and analyses, workflow analyses and any resulting proposals for structural reorganisation.
- Monitoring the roles, duties and levels of responsibility of managerial staff and technical and administrative staff.
- Mapping and updating the organisational and specialist positions of managerial, technical and administrative staff.
- Monitoring, managing and updating systems to measure and assess staff in terms of position and performance.
- Analysing gaps in professional skills and providing a multi-year training plan for managerial, technical and administrative staff.
- Managing training and professional development for managerial, technical and administrative staff.
- Head
- Elisa Maizzi
- Address
- via dell’Artigliere 19 Verona
- Phone
- 0458028165
- Fax
- 045 8028712
Persone dell'Unità Operativa
Piano Formativo di Ateneo 2018-2019 2
Slide del corso sul Project management (dott. Pezzoni - luglio 2018) e del corso sulla gestione del tempo e delle riunioni (dott.ssa Lampreda - settembre/ottobre 2018).
- Slide Project management
- Slide Gestione del tempo e delle riunioni
Indicazioni per la gestione e la comunicazione dei progetti nel Project Management
- Manuale sulla gestione dei progetti a cura del dott. Roberto Pezzoni
- Allegati
- Manuale sulla comunicazione dei progetti a cura del prof. Lorenzo Carpanè
Atti organizzativi
- Decreto Direttoriale n. 1737/2023 Modifica della struttura organizzativa di Ateneo - 1 marzo 2023
- Organigramma Centri
- Organigramma Dipartimenti
- Organigramma Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo
- Organigramma Struttura gestionale