Law and Economics ICT Services Unit
- Organisation
- IT and Communications
- Services Group
- Law and Economics ICT Services Unit
This unit is responsible for:
- Installing, managing and assisting with computer workstations for the Law and Economics area, whether in person or remotely.
- Identifying suitable hardware and software for user needs and installing these on their computer devices.
- Head
- Matteo Lanza
- Address
- Polo Didattico Santa Marta, Via Cantarane 24, 37129 Verona
- Phone
- Polo didattico S. Marta 045 802 8511
- Phone
- Presidio di Scienze Giuridiche 045 842 5394/5395
- Phone
- Tel servizio: *7341 (Economia)
- Phone
- Tel servizio: *7342 (Giurisprudenza)
045 802 8987
Michael Reiter
web sites and payments, mailing lists, support for publications
045 802 8988