Research Centre on Italy in the European Romantic Period
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- Research Centre on Italy in the European Romantic Period
C.R.I.E.R. (Centro di Ricerca sull’Italia nell’Europa Romantica), a Research Centre on Italy in the European Romantic Period, was founded in 1992 by an outstanding scholar of Romanticism, professor Annarosa Poli, who was well aware of its strong supranational dimension and character. Since then, the Centre has evolved under the relevant direction, from 2004 to 2019, of professor Franco Piva, by extending its field of research to larger linguistic and cultural European fields of studies, comprising Italy, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, Russia and the Slavic World. During time, the Centre has also been transformed into an Interdepartmental Research Centre on Romantic Europe (Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale sull’Europa Romantica), with a strong interdisciplinary vocation and a focus extended on the literary, musical, fine and performing arts. The Centre publishes its own journal, Romanticismi. La rivista del C.R.I.E.R. ( and organizes both conferences and study days always honored with the presence and participation of outstanding prestigious International specialists in the field.
- Information and contact details
- Laura Maria Colombo