‘Franco Riva’ Library, Department of Cultures and Civilizations
Polo umanistico economico giuridico- Libraries
- ‘Franco Riva’ Library, Department of Cultures and Civilizations
Around 27,000 volumes and 35 Italian and foreign magazines and periodicals, about 100 ceased subscriptions, microfilms, audio and video cassettes, CD-ROMs and musical CDs. A large part of the library material comes from the former institutes of Italian Studies, Foreign Languages and Linguistics and Classical Studies from the ex-Faculty of Letters and Philosophy. Collective Catalogue abbreviation: LLS.
The linguistics section is divided into: general, theoretical and applied linguistics; Italian, Germanic, Romance, etc. linguistics; Indo-European, Greek and Latin linguistics; and French, English, Spanish and German language.
Classical studies are divided into 14 sections: Latin and Greek authors; Latin collections; Greek collections; philology; bibliographies, lexicons and dictionaries; various languages; religion; history; law; history of literature; various; customs; philosophy; the medieval period.
The Italian studies section contains works of Italian literature, literary criticism, history of Italian language, medieval and humanistic philology, comparative literature, history of theatre and performing arts, cinema, communication studies, humanities computing and other interdisciplinary texts.
The department's library materials are searchable in the university's collective catalogue.
Opening hours
lunedì-giovedì: ore 9-18; venerdì: 9-13.
- Information and contact details
- Elisabetta Albrigi
- Phone
- Bazzani Marco 045/8028400; sala di lettura: 045/8028699
- biblioteche.umanistiche@ateneo.univr.it; elisabetta.albrigi@univr.it, marco.bazzani@univr.it
- Address
- Viale Università, 4 - 37129 Verona
- at
- Polo Didattico Zanotto - 2° piano, stanza 2.15