Laura Maria Colombo
Department of Foreign Languages and LiteraturesInformazioni di contatto
- Office
- Palazzo di Lingue, Room 2.04A, Floor2
- laura.colombo@univr.it
- CV EN - Colombo ( EN | 302Kb | 2021-03-21 )
- Curriculum Colombo settembre 2024 ( IT | 367Kb | 2024-09-02 )
- CV danse ( IT | 170Kb | 2023-11-13 )
Laura Colombo teaches French Literature and Francophone Literatures, and she is a specialist in 19th Century French Literature. Her research fields, at an international level, mainly concern:- Women’s writing, particularly in its relationship with the 19th Century canon; Marie d’Agoult; George Sand; women’s novel, in France and in the Francophone literatures; representations of feminity in literature;
- Relationships between literature and music and dance;
- Francophone literatures (Belgium, Maghreb, Sub-Saharan Africa, Antilles);
- Literary translation.
President of Association Universitaire Francophone of Verona.
Member of the Management board and of the Scientific committee of Fondazione Annarosa Poli - George Sand e il mondo.
In 1994 she was awarded the “Natalino Sapegno” prize for her final master thesis..
Other information
Roles in university bodies- componente Council for the Romance Philology Department
- Member of Teaching Committee for the PhD in Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Member of Comitato Scientifico del corso di perfezionamento in Traduzione letteraria e saggistica multimediale
- ricercatore Teaching Committee for the PhD in Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Member of Comitato scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in Letterature della migrazione