Students from abroad

Information and opportunities for international degree-seeking students

You are an “International student” (non-EU) if you are applying for a study Visa and:

  • you hold a foreign university degree
  • you are not resident in Italy
Foreign people already legally residing in Italy cannot be considered “International students” and should refer to

Applications for the academic year 2024/2025

  • For International Master’s degree programmes: non-EU students, holding a foreign degree and residing in a non-EU country, can apply for pre-admission and for the awarding of 33 students support and benefits: the call for applications is open from 1 March to 30 March 2024. The call is available here
  • If you’d like to attend individual modules and take the corresponding exams without having to enrol in a specific degree programme, please go to Enrolment in individual modules

How to enroll

  1. Submit your application to the local Italian Embassy or Consulate on UNIVERSITALY:;
  2. Only if the course you are applying for has a limited number:
  • Read carefully the call for application in the web site of the Study Course
  • Find out how to participate in the competition in the web site of the Study Course (section “How to enrol”)
  • register on ESSE3;
  • wait for the email confirming your successful application submission (your application will be received and recorded automatically by the system);
  • pay the application fee (as indicated in your email of confirmation);
  • take and pass the admission test, as set out in the relevant Call for applications.

If the study course is open to access, please go to point 3 and 4

  1. Take the Italian language test

Non-EU students who have not been exempted from taking the Italian language test (test ITA-L2@CASA) are advised that they must take it.

Information about the test on the web page Italian as a second language test for non-EU students.

  1. check with the Admissions Office of the University of Verona whether your qualification is suitable for entry to your chosen degree programme
  2. if you are among the successful applicants (only in case of limited number courses) and/or if you have passed the Italian language test and have received confirmation about your qualification, you can enroll -> visit the web site of the Study Course and follow the instructions in the section “How to enrol”.
If the study course is a master’s degree taught in Italian language (limited number or open access), please email to

Italian Language test or Certificate

The “international programmes” are entirely taught in English or other Languages, no Italian language test is required.

The enrolment of Non-EU students in other programmes is subject to successfully completing the Italian language test.

Those who hold a B2 level Italian language proficiency certificate issued by one of the following institutes are exempt from taking the test: Università per stranieri di Perugia, Università per stranieri di Siena, Università Roma Tre, Società Dante Alighieri, Università per stranieri Dante Alighieri di Reggio Calabria. These language certificates can be obtained in accredited examination centres available worldwide.

Take the Italian language test by CISIA (if you are not exempt from taking it) following the instructions that will be made available on the web page of the degree programme in the ‘How to enrol’ section. More information in the web page Italian as a second language test for non-EU students.

Validation of foreign qualifications/degrees

Documents required for enrollment in a Bachelor's degree

  • Authentication of secondary school qualification (obtained after a minimum of 12 years of schooling), along with official Italian or English translation and Declaration of value.

Documents required for enrollment in a Master's degree:

  • Authentication of foreign academic qualification, along with official Italian or English translation and Declaration of value.
  • Authentication of transcript of records, officially translated into Italian or English. 

Please note that:

Flat Tax (€1,000 all-inclusive student fee)

Non-EU students may apply for a FLAT TAX or annual university fee, i.e. a €1,000 all-inclusive student fee if they failed to obtain an ISEE for University/ISEE Equivalent statement to apply for reduced student fees based on their financial situation (ISEE).

Find out more at How to apply for Flat Tax (€1,000 all-inclusive student fee).

Other opportunities

People who have been granted international protection status, can also refer to


Validation of foreign qualifications

  Admissions Office
  +39 045 802 8000 (tasto 3)

Scholarships, Grants and Fees

  Equal Access to Education Office
  +39 045 802 8711

Student residences

  Admissions Office


  Enrolments Office
  +39 045 802 8002

Language certificates

  CLA - University Language Centre
  +39 045 802 8128

Degree programmes

degrees in Italian

Degrees taught in English

Degrees in English

Double/Joint Degrees

double degrees

Summer and Winter Schools

Summer Schools

OFFICES AND SERVICES - For further information

Validation of foreign qualifications
CLA - University Language Centre
Scholarships and Grants
Student fees (taxes, university fees and benefits)
Student residences
Inclusion and accessibility

Why Verona

Advantages of studying in Verona

Living, studying, events, transportations and lodging in Verona.
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