- Seminari
- Seminario Lab. - Using textual and visual methods in management research
Seminario Lab. - Using textual and visual methods in management research
Prof. Pianezzi and Tyler -
29-ott-2024 - Ora:
4 ore
We are surrounded by textual and visual materials in every aspect of organizational life. How can we use textual and visual methods in organizational and management research?
In this seminar, we will learn about:
1) The meaning of ‘texts’ and how to study them.
2) Discourses and discourse analysis.
3) How to include visual methods in research design.
The seminar is part of the initiative "Metodi e strumenti per l'analisi empirica in ambito aziendale".
Please see the attached syllabus for more details.
Please see the attached procedure for a proper enrollment in the workshop.
- Data pubblicazione
- 9-ott-2024
- Referente
- Cristina Florio
- Dipartimento
- Management
- 29.10.2024 Pianezzi-Tyler_Syllabus_newdeadline
- Laboratorio DIMA Info generali 202425.pdf
- ProceduraIscrizioneLab_SeM_AnalisiEmpirica