Sara Corrizzato

Informazioni di contatto

Palazzo di Lingue, Stanza 3.05, PianoTerzo
+39 045802 8694
Note ricevimento

Il ricevimento si terrà presso lo studio al terzo piano (stanza 3.05)

Altre informazioni

Incarichi in Organi collegiali
  • ricercatore Consiglio del Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere
  • Componente del Collegio Didattico di Lingue e Letterature Straniere
  • Componente del Comitato Tecnico del Master in English for international business and global affairs
  • componente Comitato Scientifico del Master in English for international business and global affairs
  • componente Comitato Scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale in English for the world of work: focus on professional speaking and writing skills
  • Componente del Comitato di programmazione del Centro Linguistico di Ateneo
  • Referente di Dipartimento nel Comitato di Programmazione del Centro Linguistico di Ateneo - Lingua inglese Referenti Dipartimento Lingue


A.A. Corso Nome Online Moduli svolti da questo docente
2024/2025 Dottorato in Lingue e Letterature Straniere Attività didattica dottorato
2024/2025 Laurea in Lingue e letterature per l'editoria e i media digitali [L-11] English language 1 Pagina moodle per {ins.nomeins}
2024/2025 Laurea in Lingue e letterature straniere [L-11] English language 2 Pagina moodle per {ins.nomeins}
2023/2024 Dottorato in Lingue e Letterature Straniere 2° Modulo - Winter School Languages 2024
2023/2024 Laurea in Lingue e letterature per l'editoria e i media digitali [L-11] English language 1 Pagina moodle per {ins.nomeins}
2023/2024 Laurea in Lingue e culture per il turismo e il commercio internazionale [L-12] English language 2  [CInt] Pagina moodle per {ins.nomeins}
2022/2023 Dottorato in Lingue e Letterature Straniere Attività didattica dottorato
2022/2023 Laurea in Lingue e letterature per l'editoria e i media digitali [L-11] English language 1 Pagina moodle per {ins.nomeins}
2022/2023 Laurea in Lingue e letterature straniere [L-11] English language 2 Pagina moodle per {ins.nomeins}
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Corporate reporting and performance analysis
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Economics and art markets
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Electronic commerce and information technologies
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs English for global legal studies
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs English for international negotiations: the art of business crisis leadership
2021/2022 Laurea in Lingue e letterature straniere [L-11] English language 2 Pagina moodle per {ins.nomeins}
2021/2022 Laurea in Lingue e letterature per l'editoria e i media digitali [L-11] English language 2 Pagina moodle per {ins.nomeins}
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Global competition and business: the evolution of markets and industries
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Global dimensions in the supply chains: fair trade and logistics networks
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Governance and conflict
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Intercultural communication in the professional setting
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Language in economic diplomacy
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Market disruption and client centricity
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Negotiation with the EU and the UN
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Protocol and etiquette: principles, rules and practical applications
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Simulation of an international business negotiation
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Speaking skills for business and global affairs
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs The business of the wine industries
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs The institutional framework of the european union and the use of eu official languages
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs The professional public speaker
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Translating and interpreting business discourse
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Web and social media marketing
2021/2022 Master in English for International Business and Global Affairs Writing skills in today's world of work