- Our Services
- University Scholarships and Grants
- ‘Part-time student collaborations’ – Prospective Students
‘Part-time student collaborations’ – Prospective Students
ServiziThrough ‘part-time student collaborations’, regularly enrolled students have the opportunity to work at the University for a short period and collaborate within the University’s structures and offices devoted to providing student services.
The collaboration – which is paid – has a maximum duration of 150 hours during the calendar year and only students from their second year onwards can apply. The collaboration does not constitute any type of employment relationship with the University.
Students may apply for such benefits by submitting a Benefits Application Form (DUB), available online in the ESSE3 system (see section ‘Segreteria’).
‘Part-time student collaborations’ can be carried out at the university Structures based in the following locations:
- Verona city centre (Veronetta e Cittadella)
- Verona Borgo Roma
- Verona Borgo Venezia
- San Pietro in Cariano
- San Floriano
- Ala/Rovereto/Trento
- Vicenza
After taking part in a selection process, successful applicants who meet the requirements set out in the relevant Call for applications will be placed in a specific ranking list based on merit, and assigned to a Structure of the University. Where students have an equal merit ranking, those with lesser income conditions (attested by their ISEE for University statement) have priority.
Moreover, applicants must be fluent in Italian.
On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., on the groundfloor, room T.25c of the Cloister San Francesco, Via San Francesco, 22
On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays from 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. calling +39 045 802 8001
by connecting to the following link
- Service managed by:
- ufficio.dirittostudio@ateneo.univr.it
- https://helpdesk.univr.it:8443/CAisd/pdmweb.exe
- If you’re not yet enrolled please contact the University Scholarships and Grants Office of the University of Verona, Via Via San Francesco, 22. Phone: +39 045 8028001; https://www.univr.it/benefici FOR ENROLLED STUDENTS ONLY: If you’re already enrolled at the University of Verona please use the online ‘Service Desk’, which is the only way to obtain information on scholarships and grants. To use the service go to https://www.univr.it/servicedesk and log in using your username and password.
Through ‘part-time student collaborations’, enrolled students have the opportunity to work at the University for a short period and collaborate within its structures and offices. Interested students can apply starting from their second year if enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme, or a Single cycle/Combined Bachelor+Master’s degree programme. After taking part in a selection process, successful applicants will be placed in a specific ranking list, and assigned to a Structure of the University. The collaboration – which is paid – has a maximum duration of 150 hours during the calendar year and does not constitute any type of employment relationship with the University.
It is possible to apply for a ‘part-time student collaboration’ by taking part in an open competition launched in July each year: applicants must complete the ‘Benefits Application Form’ or DUB online available on the ESSE3 system. Students can apply if they are in their second year onwards (for Bachelor’s and Single cycle/Combined Bachelor+Master’s degree programmes), or starting from the first year if Master’s degree students. Selection is made based on the merit requirements set out in the specific Call for applications, which is available on the University’s website: www.univr.it/benefici.
If for any reason you are unable to complete the total number of hours required, you will need to fill in a specific form available at the Structure where you work. In case of partial cancellation, you will be paid for the hours actually worked. This will not prevent you from applying for a ‘part-time student collaboration’ in the future.
In order to enable the payment procedure, you must enter in ESSE3 the details of a bank account for which you are holder or co-holder (no bank accounts of third parties will be accepted). Please go to: https://univr.esse3.cineca.it/Start.do and log in using your username and password, then click on home – anagrafica and select dati rimborso (reimbursement details). Then click on modifica dati di rimborso (modify reimbursement details) and enter the required information following the instructions.
The payment you receive for taking part in a ‘part-time student collaboration’ is not subject to taxation – and shall not be counted as income when completing the ‘Modello 730/Unico’ – as long as it does not exceed the annual limit of €3,500 (Art. 11 of Legislative Decree no. 68/2012). However, any payment received in this regard must be declared when determining your ISEE statement. For this purpose you should download the Certificazione Unica (CU), a document which demonstrates that a payment was made to you by the University of Verona in a given calendar year. To do so, go to: https://www.univr.u-gov.it/ (click on: UGOV > Risorse Umane/Consultazione documenti (Human Resources/Documents) > Documenti personali (Personal documents), then enter your GIA personal username and password to log in). The system automatically displays the current year: if you wish to change it just click on the year and select FILTRA (Filter your search). Should you encounter any problems in downloading the CU please write to: ufficio.stipendi@ateneo.univr.it
Yes. The University normally performs checks and verifications on the truthfulness of students’ self-declarations when they apply for scholarships/grants. Through a memorandum of understanding, the University also sends students’ self-declarations of financial position to be further investigated by the Provincial Command of the Italian Finance Police (Guardia di Finanza) in Verona. These procedures are carried out in accordance with the Regulations for implementing checks on applications for university bursaries.
Following appropriate administrative and financial checks, if a declaration that was submitted is found to contain untruthful information, any benefits awarded will be revoked and sanctions will be applied. National laws on this matter are applicable, especially Art.s 75 and 76 of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and Legislative Decree no. 68/2012, which states: “Whoever [...] submits false statements [...] is subject to administrative penalties consisting of the payment of three times the amount made, or the value of services accessed incorrectly, and loses the right to receive other funds for duration of their course of studies, subject in all cases to the application of the penalties provided for in Art. 38(3) of Decree Law no. 78 of 31/05/2010, converted with amendments by Law n.122 of 30/07/2010, as well as the criminal laws for the acts that constituted the offence.”
The ‘Benefits Application Form’ or DUB (‘Domanda Unica Benefici’ in Italian) is a declaration form which students complete and sign in order to apply for student benefits. Students must complete the DUB online by logging into their personal account in ESSE3 – SEGRETERIA (https://univr.esse3.cineca.it/Start.do). Only one DUB should be completed, also when applying for several benefits (scholarships, student fees reduction, part-time student collaborations). Once the DUB has been confirmed by the student, he/she cannot change it anymore: students are therefore advised to be careful when completing the form, and follow the instructions set out in the Call for applications.
In order to apply for the benefits for students provided by the University of Verona, students must submit their ‘Benefits Application Form’ or DUB by the terms set out in the Calls for applications, which are normally published in July each year on the University’s website at: www.univr.it/benefici
Further information - such as deadlines for university instalments of fees and contributions (if due), deadlines and methods for receiving payments and reimbursement of scholarships - are available in the relevant regulations, Calls for applications or public notices, posters, notices on information boards, or the Intranet. You can also access further information through the official ‘UNIVR’ app, which can be downloaded from Google Play, Apple Store and Windows Store. Thanks to this app, you’ll have all University’s services at your fingertips, 24/7.