First-year students

Tips and faqs

Survivor's Guide for First-year Students

If you’re a first-year student at the University of Verona, you may find it interesting to have a look at this web page, where you will find information on the main events, resources, and student services relevant for your study programme.


Book your place online — attend your lecture

Univr Lezioni app

Once you have created your profile, you will be able to book a place from 5 days before the lecture is due to take place. In order to enable everyone to attend on site, the booking system will take into account the maximum number of places available in the classroom (places available for booking cannot exceed 50% of the classroom capacity), and the maximum number of hours that can be attended per week and per module in the semester by each student.

Moreover, if there are still places available from 12 hours before the lecture is due to take place, you can book a ‘last minute’ place.

Area Medicina e Chirurgia
Area Lingue e Letterature Straniere
Area Scienze Motorie
Area Scienze e Ingegneria
Area Economica
Area Lettere, Arti e Comunicazione


Per l’anno accademico 22-23, l’Ateneo veronese ritorna alla didattica in presenza.
Per maggiori informazioni consulta la pagina e prendi visione delle Indicazioni in vista del nuovo Anno Accademico riportate al medesimo link.

MyUnivr Students

All the services for enrolled students

Your personal account allows you to access all the university services you need online. 
You can contact various offices via the internal Help Desk. 
You will also find notices about your degree programme and modules, lesson timetables and the lecture rooms for your classes.

MyUnivr Students

Your Student Career: everything you need to know

Get in touch: Student Services Office
CFU credits
“Saperi minimi” and OFA
Cos’è il libretto universitario?
Semestre, sessioni e appelli cosa sono?
Timetables and calendar
Come partecipo alle lezioni in presenza?
Exams – fill in your study plan
Need help with your language tests? Here comes the CLA!
Internships: test your preparation!
Are you a serial traveller?

University: study… and much more!

University’s social media
Canteens, accommodations and transport: ESU will take care!
University libraries: books… and more!
Come faccio a prenotare un posto in aula studio o in biblioteca?
Non-local student? Choose your doctor in Verona
Student’s lifestyle: sport, music and student associations
Speak up: take part in the University’s governing bodies

Services for students: scholarships, benefits applications, and available tools and resources

Information, administrative documents and services for students. All in one place: MyUnivr, the students’ portal
Cosa posso trovare su myUnivr
DUB - Benefits Application Form
Cosa è esse3?
Scholarships and benefits based on merit
Inclusion at the University: a life without barriers
Cosa è la collaborazione studentesca a tempo parziale (150 ore)?
Your login details: GIA and institutional mailbox
Official apps: student career management (UnivrApp)

Questionario Almalaurea per le matricole

Gli studenti immatricolati ai corsi di laurea triennale e magistrale ciclo unico devono compilare il questionario Immatricolati Almalaurea disponibile su Esse3; le informazioni e le opinioni fornite serviranno all'Ateneo per orientare meglio la propria offerta formativa e migliorare i servizi rivolti ai nuovi studenti.

Vai al questionario
Effettua il login, quindi seleziona Segreteria > Questionario immatricolati Almalaurea.

  Istruzioni per la compilazione